Halcon has said several incorrect things about the story in Genesis chapters 2-3 that call into question his understanding of the story's content as well as its meaning. So wrong in fact that it is often hard to tell if he's even talking about the same story.
Eve understood the same thing, repeating it back to the snake verbatim.
No she didn't. Genesis 2:9 says the tree of life was in the middle of the garden, and that the tree of knowledge of good and bad was also there, and Genesis 2:17 gives the command (before Eve existed) that it was the fruit of the tree of knowledge that should not be eaten. But at Genesis 3:3, Eve only says it is the fruit of the tree 'in the middle of the garden' that cannot be eaten, without any indication that she knew it to be the 'tree of knowledge', and she also adds an additional edict to not even touch it, which is not indicated in the original command.
The snake apparently refused. And very likely lied to Adam and Eve simply out of spite.
There is no indication that the snake refused any command given to it, the snake told the truth about what eating the fruit would do, and there is no indication in the story about the snake's specific motive.
The story ends with Adam dying, according to Genesis.
Adam's death is not specifically depicted in the story, and the specific story ends with their expulsion from the garden, though the characters briefly appear in the separate story of Cain and Abel. It is only in a separate spurious genealogy that the length of Adam's life is specified.
The entire story is maybe 14 , 15 verses.
The story spans chapters 2 and 3 of Genesis, comprising 49 verses.
After God gives man everything first, he gives man one simple rule. ... He gave Adam everything he needed, first.
The rule about the tree was given before Eve was created (from a rib 😒), without whom it 'was not good for the man'.
God did not set up his creation just to simply fail.
In the story, God specifically prevents the humans from living after the lie about the knowledge fruit is revealed.
The snake clearly didn't accept the rules and limitations imposed on him by God.
The story does not indicate any rules or limitations put on the snake prior to the nonsensical 'punishment' in Genesis 3:14.
Indeed, God created the angels, including the one now known as the snake.
There is no basis in the story for concluding that the snake was either an angel itself or controlled by one. Association with 'Satan' was made up centuries later, and is basically fan-fiction.
Genesis doesn't imply anywhere that God introduced a factor to purposely unravel what he saw as good.
Only if you leave out the test involving the two trees and actively conspiring to prevent access to the tree of life.
The snake asked Eve to repeat the very exact words of God
No it didn't. And nor did she repeat the exact words.
'is it true that God said you WILL die?"
The snake never asks that.
Eve responded with 'yes'.
No she didn't.