Having been in oversight at District Conventions I have had to fill out forms describing the work habits of the other department heads. I know that this is done at every district convention. There are also other focus groups if you will that are used in the congregations that most do not know about.
JoinedPosts by lurker
Convention Feedback
by slimboyfat inhas anyone been involved in convention feedback for the society?
apparently the society does actually seek a response from 'focus group' (if you will) after each convention to see how various aspects were received.
from what i heard many of the comments can be quite frank: i.e.
Has anyone seen this research on 607 and the Watchtower?
by lurker ini was recently searching the web for information on 607 to discuss with my wife and i came up with this.
http://www.jehovahsjudgment.co.uk/607/default.html these people say that they are proving the watchtowers 607 date correct.
i am convinced that the watchtower is wrong because of all the other things that i have researched but i would welcome any feedback.
I was recently searching the web for information on 607 to discuss with my wife and I came up with this.
http://www.jehovahsjudgment.co.uk/607/default.html These people say that they are proving the Watchtowers 607 date correct. What do you think? I am convinced that the Watchtower is wrong because of all the other things that I have researched but I would welcome any feedback.
What Ever Possessed You To Become A Jehovah's Witness?
by minimus ini was "born into it".
that's my excuse.
what's yours?
Like so many of you I was born into it, third generation. Now at nearly 60 I am seeing them for what they really are. Wrong about most everything! But as a kid you want to please your parents and make them happy with you. So you comment at the meetings, you pioneer after high school, then you marry a witness girl. Then you get made an elder, then you spend 35 years as one and before you know it your life is almost over and you have no children because armageddon is right around the corner. What a life! I have promised myself that I will not live the rest of my life in slavery to man. Oh well I feel better just had to rant for a little while.
Poll:What is the "average" age of people's baptism in the org?
by megsmomma ini was 14....and that seems pretty common for those that were in it young....... .
how in the world is a 14 year old ready to commit themselves to anything life altering?.
I was 15 and feel the same as you, no way should I have done it.
My Wife Just Left Me Because of the Evil Watchtower
by rassillon inthis is very difficult to write because i am crying.
i am normally not the kind of person you will ever see cry because things don't affect me that much but this has got to be the hardest things i have ever went through.. i just got through discussing with my wife my feelings.
i guess it has been hard to hid some of the things that i have felt since i have learned that many of the wt teachings are false.
I am sitting here crying with you I am going thru the same thing with my wife. She has not mentioned leaving me but is so blinded by the WT that it is not funny. In your case if she goes to the elders they will send her home to you. Many years ago they would have told her to divorce you but not now. More than likely she will come to her senses and call you. Just keep your head and don't do anything rash to yourself or to hurt your marrige and you should be ok. And yes you are right the organization is bad. This weeks service meeting has a part about people that say they are not interested at the door. One paragraph mentions how the religions are hypocritical. They can not even see the hypocricy right in front of them, very sad.
As lurkers, what kept you from posting? Fear? Was there a basis for it?
by What-A-Coincidence infor me it was the fear of getting 'caught'?
if that's the case, just don't give out names, places or dates.. i have been on jwd for over 2 years.
the only way 'they' can catch me is if i give out details on the forum.. so lurkers...come out and get empowered!.
For me definately fear of getting caught. But now I realize that I most likely will not get caught and loose my relationship with family if I keep everything personal hidden. So yes let's hear from all of you lurkers like me.
World Debut! The infamous Mat 24:14 Speaker - Take a LOOK!
by What-A-Coincidence injames rayford !
one of the borgs finest.
a true company man.
he looks like the riddler
Why do you post?
by avidbiblereader ini am not talking about questions or inquirying about what to do with a problem.. when you post what are some of the reasons you give your thoughts on matters?.
for me, i enjoy talking to others who can understand my experience but more importantly for me, i know there are lurkers or people right on the fringes who are sick of all of it.
i try to give a biblical explanation on matters that shows the error of going beyond the things written.
ABR: As you know I lurked for a long time. But now I am so frustrated with the WTS that I decided it was time to get involved. I hope that I can assist others in their frustration with the WTS. I am open to questions and PMs but I am really cautious about revealing personal information at this time. I have been rewarded for it by meeting some nice people like yourself that I would not have met if I stayed in the shadows. BY THE WAY THERE ARE SOME GREAT PEOPLE OUTSIDE OF THE WATCHTOWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yet another brochure campaign !
by 5go ini hear tell that there will be yet another brochure campaign.
it will be in an upcoming km !
that is all i know.. i bet i just fell into some sorta trap but what the hell..
Correct it is a tract to invite new ones to the memorial. Many halls have them in now under lock and key. I totally blew off the last tract will now have to figure out how to do the same with this one. The info is in upcoming KM for February.
JW Talks Password Protected Now
by mavie inwww.jwproclaimers.org is now password protected.
i think there is a yahoo group associated with this site....did anyone get the talks before it was locked up?
Same here. Had enough of those talks, and have give too many. They are probably scared that the Watchtower will shut it down so they locked it up. You know they wouldn't want anyone to get information that proves they said something different than the do now. They may loose a worker or two!