Nothing is ever clean enough. I can clean the whole house then try to sit down, but I have to get up every 30 seconds because I see something else to clean. I'm never happy with it and all I see is the "filth" all over the place even though it's probably pretty clean.
Also, if I see my shoulder out of the corner of my eye I MUST then see my other shoulder the same way. I try and try to not do it, but I have to! Until I do I can't possibly think of anything else and I feel like I'm going to explode.
I can't just "see" my other shoulder, I have to see it at the same angle and everything as I saw the first one.
Posts by thom
What is your quirkiest quirk?
by damselfly ini, damselfly, can not knowingly eat the little squiggly, umbilical cord things in eggs.
i have to very carefully separate the whites from the yolk and remove the squiggly bits with a knife.
i get gaggy just thinking about them.
Answering Techniques
by PopeOfEruke inwhat was your technique for answering at the wt study?.
were you one of the types who waited, sweating silently, till the last or second-last paragraph, then finally put your hand up and hope like crazy they picked someone else?
remember the dry throat??
I didn't like answering, but I did it. Always hoped he'd call on me the first time so I wouldn't have to raise my hand later. Then of course the next answer would be the same as mine, just reworded.
One sister used to answer and just say what she thought should be brought out, nothing to do with the question. I learned to never call on her during the service meeting (only Q/A parts I gave) even though she'd always have her hand up before the question was asked, and also while other people were answering. -
"you'll soon look like you live under a bridge"
I guess I shouldn't have used a picture of me taken while I was digging a trench under a house! I bathe, I swear! -
"edited to add: SEXY!!"
I may be straight but I have to agree.
(should I say that? too late!) -
JW Charity?
by Ellie in.
can someone please explain to me why jehovahs witnesses are a registered charity?.
its not like they do anything to help anyone.
I brought this subject up with some family and of course they feel that JW's probably do more than most any other org to help people.
Listing first of course, "preaching the good news".
Teaching people to read in Africa (so they can read the WT of course).
Being first on the scene in disasters in the U.S. I asked who they help, just other JW's? No, they setup food distribution for everyone in the area and are the only ones properly organized and even the military goes to them for help. I asked where they got this info and it's from the WT of course. I asked if they ever read about this anywhere other than the WT and my grandmother told me, "YES! In newspapers." Pushing her further I find that she's talking about supposed quotes from newspapers she saw in the WT.
I've had a big problem with all the difficulties going on in the world and how JW's do nothing to even try to help. But most JW's I feel, believe that their org is doing wonderful things to help people all over the world. Something I never saw, even as a JW.
Very soon after I stopped attending meetings, the Red Cross contacted me asking for a donation, which I very happily gave. They may not be perfect, but at least their purpose is to truly help people in need. -
Telling people what they already know
by gringojj ini marvel how the wts says things and makes it seem like the rest of the world didnt know these things until they told them.
i will use the case of a short commercial the wts aired on tv after 9/11.
I've been under the impression that the PSA was just another way to show that they are a religious groups, non-profit group, serving the public, whatever it takes to stay tax exempt. I tend to think the sole purpose was financial (stay tax exempt).
by chuckyy injust wondering if anyone ever did put down more hours/placements etc on their report than they actually did.. i know that i did.
the reason was that i was pioneering and working full time.
it just got too much and i ended up adding hours.
"How many people in the congregation actually get to see the reports?"
When I was an MS (3 years ago) I got to see them when the CO was visiting. Other than that I had no access to them. I would think all the elders have access to them and I guess comments they make to their wives "share" that information. -
Has anyone requested their Publisher Records or any other 'records'?
by tabbycat in...and if so, what happened?
i am now living quite far away from my old hall, and no-on here knows i used to be a jw.
i don't know who the secretary would be in my old hall, as it's been a long time.
"I knew a real coven of elder's wives that knew everyone's business"
Yeah, word getting out that you are "going back" could surely happen.
I remember an elder's wife telling my wife "***** has to tell me things
that affect ME, and if it's going on in our congregation it affects ME!"
No confidentiality there. -
Just got home from the assembly!!!!! How fortunate I am!!!!
by gringojj inokay i just returned from the assembly in historic amherst, mass.
i justlove the old houses in that town very nice.
anyways to recap the good parts, first off obedience.
"I have not been to a assembly in about 8 years, and it doesn't sound like I missed anything."
But every assembly is the "best one yet!" (how many times have you heard that?). See what you've been missing? -
Did Elders fail to meet requirements they made of you?
by Wasanelder Once inour po and his wife were both pioneers.
he is young and a sarcastic bastard.
one time he stood in the back of the hall while the meeting was going and said to me "this headship business is a bunch of crap!
I remember a circuit assembly that had a talk about raising children. Typical JW talk handled by two brothers sitting and discussing the subject.
What really bothered me was that these two particular brothers never had any children. There were plenty of elders available, I'm sure, that were fathers, but these two were picked to give the talk.
That went to show me that they really don't understand what they're doing (FDS) and the CO I believe is the one who picks who gives the talks and he's never had children either. Really went far to show me how little thought is put into telling us what to do.