STEPHEN --- so happy for you and your family -- BEST TO YOU and PLEASE HURRY BACK WHEN POSSIBLE and KEEP IN TOUCH.
hello jwners,.
well a lot of things have been happening in my personal life.. my wife and i have been through several trials, our youngest who was born with a rare condition will be four this month and last year my wife got the "all clear" from cancer :).
financially, there have been changes too, some regular work from the last five years finished back in june of last year and the lord has been long encouraging me to use some talents he gave me once again.
STEPHEN --- so happy for you and your family -- BEST TO YOU and PLEASE HURRY BACK WHEN POSSIBLE and KEEP IN TOUCH.
this is so hard for me.. my daughters don't want to talk about it.
they don't want to hear about the jws from their father.
and they don't want to hear about the jws from me.. they don't want to talk about it period.. they both seem to think i am stuck because i do talk about it.. the problem is partly that i can see just how stuck they are, especially the younger one who continues to fear armageddon is coming and has survival kits ready in her basement for when it comes - she showed me.
LADYLEE -- i hear ya! i have to say the serenity prayer a lot --- and that i'm powerless over others. i don't like family/friends being part of the cult, but i have to surrender the situation to God, BELIEVE ME. as parents, we thought we were doing our very best teaching them the truth (lie) and about Jehovah. one thing for sure --- we have no power over our childrens' lives yet are distressed when they have a hangnail.
some GREAT responses to your post --- i really appreciate the feedback.
if you were in my city, we could meetup and have a good time -- if you ever travel to the states -- message me and we can commiserate and you can be a tourist and i'll be the tour guide.
jacklalanne (born september 26, 1914) is an american fitness, exercise, nutritional expert, and motivational speaker who has been called "the godfather of fitness".. i grew up watchin' him on tv.
i hope he wasn't a jehovah's witness, he would have been disappointed.
at the time of his demise..
heard on heraldo's show he succumbed to pneumonia - sad indeed. he lived in morro bay, calif. i remember watching him on black/white tv as a child --- following along w/the exercises and feeling the worse pain/stiffness next day. what incredible shape he was in back then.
first let me say this.. i have constantly been hearing of the legendary honesty/intergity of the jehovah's witness for some time now.
i have also been informed that they are the happiest people on the entire earth.. my problem is this:.
when a jehovah's witness comes to your door and you actually decide to give them a few moments of your time they never give the whole story as to what you would be getting involved with when you join the watchtower.. case in point.
Reborn2002 --- your post is HOPE! i'd given up on REFORM/MAINSTREAM or their demise, but nothing stays the same. please continue w/the good news!
i woke up today a right grumpy basket case.... not a good day for the jehovah's witness to call on me to do there usual shepherding call, bringing me the usual mags of shite!
i stood there on the doorstep in my pj's, care free and all fired up.
i was asked how i was doing & then informed that they had my latest mags.
Stephen -- love your comments/scriptures, as always.
i woke up today a right grumpy basket case.... not a good day for the jehovah's witness to call on me to do there usual shepherding call, bringing me the usual mags of shite!
i stood there on the doorstep in my pj's, care free and all fired up.
i was asked how i was doing & then informed that they had my latest mags.
YOU ARE AWESOME AND TRUTHFUL. IT'S SO DIFFICULT TO FACE REALITY --- and they'll have a lot to be in DENIAL about after visiting YOU!
REAL TRUTH is the only road to peace.
Best to you and your family.
i'll start off.. i don't believe anything is divine about bible writings.
i believe there may be some marginal history although not much.
i think alot of folk tales and regional myths are contained in the old testament.
ROBDAR --- i understand but really appreciate the comment you posted and it does help.
i'll start off.. i don't believe anything is divine about bible writings.
i believe there may be some marginal history although not much.
i think alot of folk tales and regional myths are contained in the old testament.
ROBDAR --- DO TELL and you will not bore anyone but quite the opposite. WE ALL NEED FAITH, HOPE --- ALL OF THE ABOVE. LOVE READING ABOUT THE PEACE YOU FOUND.
i do not want to hear from any jw apologists.
thank you!.
YES --- i used to enjoy reading the 'Watching the World,' or whatever it was called in the back sections of the Awake yrs. ago and enjoyed pictures of the various animals when relaxing/falling asleep --- there's a concept, asleep w/Awake. I think they have some good articles and enjoyed receiving in the mail yrs. ago. Sometimes when you just don't want to think anymore and kick it --- they're enjoyable. I was lacking Bible knowledge (just knew rules and more rules from baptist church as a child) so it wasn't a total waste of my time.
i'll start off.. i don't believe anything is divine about bible writings.
i believe there may be some marginal history although not much.
i think alot of folk tales and regional myths are contained in the old testament.
I have a great deal of respect for much of the moral code and feel it is hope for man kind's desperate plight. Making application of loving one's enemies, forgiveness, etc., and required faith not always easy. I want to believe it's inspired.