LHG - "any of us" - I was around a few x-Bethelites (no problem with them) and a hardliner nut job who finally was accepted - cult needed her mate - but I can see how the desire could possibly happen for some buying into the magic. My lifestyle/social commitments always on the run (UBM) was never going to allow me to fit in -- other than for handouts/work, etc. Despots/crooks -- it was a horror story and I wasn't going to conform - ever.
Posts by LV101
What happens to Bethelites?
by rickroll inso if someone puts their life into serving the cult for free at bethel, then say after 25 or 30 years they are not able to for one reason or another such as illness, or family issue or old age, does the cult have any safety net for these people or is it you serve until you can't and when you can't you just go away?
What happens to Bethelites?
by rickroll inso if someone puts their life into serving the cult for free at bethel, then say after 25 or 30 years they are not able to for one reason or another such as illness, or family issue or old age, does the cult have any safety net for these people or is it you serve until you can't and when you can't you just go away?
It's sad when they receive the 'you're done' line/notice -- it could have been reality for many of us when we were under the spell of the cult. I can't imagine the Catholic church treating their priests/nuns like this but who knows. I'm sure WT isn't unique and Scientology and other cults are merciless once they can't use/abuse one any longer.
Russian raid on 50 Jehovahs witnesses
by Diogenesister inthere has been a raid on a large jehovahs witness gathering in norilsk, above the arctic circle, according to the moscow times.. a building with 50 jws inside was surrounded by masked, armed special forces forces who burst into the building and demanded they surrender all electronic devices.. i'll link the article but it's obviously going to drive these witnesses deeper into the religion.
not to mention the images conjured up in the report are likely to be used by watchtower as more fear mongering, since its very much like last year's terrifying assembly videos where witnesses were huddled in a field and surrounded with similarly masked, armed men.. https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2019/10/22/russian-special-agents-raid-jehovahs-witnesses-resort-as-crackdown-intensifies-a67855.
This is not good -- I feel sorry for the Russian JWs and hope the WT didn't encourage them to continue as usual or break any laws - not that it would take much there/scary.
What happens to Bethelites?
by rickroll inso if someone puts their life into serving the cult for free at bethel, then say after 25 or 30 years they are not able to for one reason or another such as illness, or family issue or old age, does the cult have any safety net for these people or is it you serve until you can't and when you can't you just go away?
How many of them fake physical, anxiety attacks, agoraphobia, mental problems, etc., to take advantage of social security services and collect disability insurance (which are tax free) so they can pioneer and be elevated within the cult's ranks. I've heard of many of these situations. They're too lazy to work and are parasites to society.
Did you have a Narcissistic JW Parent?
by Butterfly607 indid anyone else have a parent who could be described as highly narcissistic who was a jw?
how was that for you growing up?
which was worse - the narcissistic religion or the narcissistic parent?.
Yes -- children are too afraid and traumatized to report the loser breeders so they've nothing to worry about and carry on their abuse. Many school psychologists are on their game today but have limitations. Loser parents are not unique in the world and it's sad a religion like WT cult adds/encourages/endorses their evil.
It's hard to face reality but it's much healthier than lying to yourself. Feel the pain - bring it on and once you do the pain subsides/fades gradually over time. Some good reality check books are Toxic Parents, Drama of the Gifted Child (Alice Miller - she's excellent - several books out yrs. ago). I've friends that are very liberal and not fans of this author but benefitted greatly from her book -- Dr. Laura Schlessinger's, Bad Childhood Good Life. I speed read it and seems excellent.
Did you have a Narcissistic JW Parent?
by Butterfly607 indid anyone else have a parent who could be described as highly narcissistic who was a jw?
how was that for you growing up?
which was worse - the narcissistic religion or the narcissistic parent?.
nmthinker -- just unreal the JW horror child/physical abuse cases on this board - much I can't continue reading. My family of origin included the worse NON JW egg-donor narcissistic mother on planet earth. These N. Korea/dictator, psycho, non- mothers know every isolation/control/manipulation trick in the book. Thank gawd I had my beloved grandmother/GF and Aunt as my parents and she was depressed and not significant in my life for those formative yrs. The only way the memory care facility has the situation in check at the moment is because of psychotic meds (Seroquel for one and tranqs but could never be enough) and the psychiatrist was treating her for dementia only - (she fooled that ole boy) until I placed her into psych facility at hospital and he had revelatory awakening.
Some of these child abusing cult member JW parents need to be med'd (as well as gazillions of non JW parents) and monitored 24/7 via court appointed authorities and any other way possible re/their children. Let the tax dollars be used for worthwhile purpose. These losers having free will over their children is beyond criminal. Crazy JW cult (as well as other religions) need to be investigated and bunkers/halls need to be monitored via child protection laws. Psycho/alcoholic GB members held accountable as well as their sperm/egg donors or whoever has/had custody. I'd certainly change the laws and immediately.
Very weird "orb" experience last night....and i don't believe in paranormal
by Bad_Wolf inso i got this night vision/security camera.
wyze is the brand.
this only happened once last night.
Dio - I couldn't believe it was NFD and they could have at least publicized it more. She was quite the author - WOW.
dub stepped: I take it you don't buy into the flying objects commercial/military pilots are recording/lololol. It's difficult to believe any UFO info but I did see a strange phenomenon one nite coming out of a restaurant and it was so bizarre it left me speechless and staring in shock to the point the woman that was asking me a question/chatting noticed my frozen stance turned to see what I was in awe of and in her southern accent yelled, "oh my God!" Otherwise I would have checked into the nearest psych hospital and thought I'd totally lost it! It was around 1995 - 1996/97 at latest and googling I found info about many people noticing these objects in Arizona - maybe NV. Some experimental flying objects from military base in AZ which is weird because Area 51 in NV has lots of toys to experiment with - anyway. I'll never forget as long as i live. It was a blue streak flying very low appearing just a few blocks away and unreal - then disappeared from my view because of buildings -- older area lots of trees so my view was blocked. I don't believe in anything weird like UFOs, supernatural, etc.
Role Call, Number of Family Members Who Have Shunned You!
by The Bethelite injust one left, my sister.
i haven't talk to her in over 15 years.
the rest are all dead.. i'm not counting my ex wife and all her family.... .
I wish we had billboards from one end of the country to the other (planet earth) -- one liner cult alerts re/WT destroys families, marriages and protects/promotes pedophiles. We could probably get law firms to spring for them re/pedophile horror.
U.S. Supreme Court Rejects Appeal by Jehovah’s Witnesses
by annihilator inu.s. supreme court rejects appeal by jehovah’s witnesses of 2015 california trial court ordersan diego, ca, october 24, 2019 --(pr.com)-- on october 7, 2019, the u.s. supreme court rejected the petition for writ of certiorari filed by the watchtower bible and tract society of new york, inc. (“watchtower”), requesting that the supreme court review a case filed by the zalkin law firm in 2013. in the case of jw v. watchtower bible and tract society of new york, inc. et.
al., the riverside superior court of california awarded the plaintiff, “j.w.,” a judgment of $4,016,152.39 plus interest at 10% per year after terminating watchtower’s defense, because it refused to obey the court’s order to produce files of known child molesters within the jw organization.
in 2018, the fourth district court of appeal in california upheld that decision.
Hope these judgments against cult WT are just the beginning of justice. Hard to believe and gives us hope in the court system - finally. Their victories have been off the backs of our military and a distorted freedom of religious magic in this country.
The jw builders choir omg
by Gorbatchov inseems like the genesis song jesus he knows me.. g.. https://www.jw.org/en/library/videos/?applanguage=e#en/mediaitems/latestvideos/pub-jwb_201910_12_video.
More fake - GB will have minions 'on stage' for show biz with hope (delusions) of recruits = cash and another drug fix/hit for their followers.