waton - are you in the US - doesn't sound like it.
I heard someone say that 1/3 of the COVID 19 deaths in the US are in the aged living facilities. That seems high to me and think I heard the rehabs are now experiencing more deaths past week or so. The facility my family member is at has not had any problems (or so I'm told) - yet - on the assisted side or the memory care. They locked down early even before the governor ordered stay at home and take temperatures at the door for healthcare professionals and staff. One could have COVID 19 and not have a fever - that wasn't too comforting.
The facilities here certainly have room for improvement re/the state's insurance they encourage residents to sign on for. I refused to drop the good insurance for my family member as I didn't want to forfeit hospitalizations if necessary. I don't know how the gov't can be so negligent with the elderly - I was shocked.