They must really be desperate during COVID as they're digging up names/contacts. Someone on board mentioned a governing goon advising them to contact ex-JWs (and anyone else they can hound) and beg them to return to Jehovah but this is probably normal. I knew a couple of female JWs married to doctors who thought higher education was the devil but certainly enjoyed their lifestyle/status never having to be concerned about employment. Such hypocrites. Of course, they were JWs before marriage and only one out of 5 married to professionals finished high school. Only one of the 5 could afford Gucci/Louboutins on a limited basis -- designer wardrobe - few are at the top of the food chain. The others may have owned one luxury item. Most professionals wives have been employed for decades for extras.
I would tell the JW that you appreciate the Mormans' value and respect for higher education (like the Jewish faith - not that higher education is necessary for everyone) and block her number.