It's difficult to believe but read (no facts/research on my part) batches of polio vaccines (50s) caused a million cases of cancer or the original vaccines are responsible for millions of cases of cancer. Robert F. Kennedy or Del Bigtree - online reporter (use to host the 'Doctors' show on TV) would have data. Maybe I don't want to believe it but --- visions on TV as child and hearing about the iron lung during the polio epidemic was enough fear for most of us. We naively accepted all vaccines. Also read Gates' new type of polio vax killed many in a third world country decade or so ago.
Posts by LV101
Is the tide turning against covid vaccines?
by slimboyfat inhave you seen this video about the covid vaccines?
have you got any views on the information?
i find it worrying at least.
Is the tide turning against covid vaccines?
by slimboyfat inhave you seen this video about the covid vaccines?
have you got any views on the information?
i find it worrying at least.
Great info/link/Steve Kirsch's newsletter/"What the data tells us." "A 52-slide deck presented at the FLCCC conference in Florida on Oct 15, 2022 summarizing some of the most important statistics by the vaccines on safety and efficacy. It got a standing ovation."
His research/info is excellent and I've neglected to read 99% of his emails (I've subscription). As I recall he/family vaccinated (northern cali). Jab deaths to family members got his attention and he's been relentless digging facts.
INDOCTRINATION (lessons learned)
by Terry inindoctrination.
i see things this way .... my very first personal contact with indoctrination was through my best friend; hellbent on converting me to his religion.
i resisted for four years and then jumped on board.. .
Excellent history/life lesson, Terry! TY for great personal share and knowledge -- type more.🧡
Is the tide turning against covid vaccines?
by slimboyfat inhave you seen this video about the covid vaccines?
have you got any views on the information?
i find it worrying at least.
Formerly known ethical doctors prefer the payouts and maintaining their license to practice. Their survival depends on it.
Is the tide turning against covid vaccines?
by slimboyfat inhave you seen this video about the covid vaccines?
have you got any views on the information?
i find it worrying at least.
Stats/data are revealing tad more than the internet whistleblowers' false alarms but as a skeptic I get what you're referring to. It's horrific and death toll around 6 mil (worldwide) between ventilator/remdesivir kill off death to blast off fear factor (lower social security aid and payouts in a broken system) in sheeple until the jab launch method. Now the 5th booster out (already being used in Israel, of course) after testing consisted of 8 dead mice - if I read that correctly (Dr. Alexander/substack). From what they gather tough winter season ahead w/decimated immune systems of the elderly-elderly (over 80) and younger out bouncing around spreading illness from the jabs. If ever time to sport a mask it's now not that they help. Geert Vanden Bossche indicating the clock is reading 12:05! I certainly hope all this is krazy whistleblower yacking but data reveals otherwise to date. Even Walgreens has decent info out in the US/UK.
93% of all deaths are those jabbed 3 times -- 2 "vaccinations" and one booster per UK data. One's odds are not good w/each add'l jab. Wish I had time to check out but coming/going here.
Drug cos have made a fortune off of taxpayer monies (as well as hospitals and medical professionals) and will continue making more with all the maimed-jabbed victims and new jabs being approved -- it's addictive and innocent folks are on the jab hamster wheel course. Is this for the depopulation agenda re/Gates' (Bill/Melinda) info/youtubes. Ethical doctors prefer the extra cash over health.
Is the tide turning against covid vaccines?
by slimboyfat inhave you seen this video about the covid vaccines?
have you got any views on the information?
i find it worrying at least.
Data quite interesting -- what's available. I'll watch Dr. Malhotra's press release today - thx for share. This is not about health but economic reset per Dr. Robert Malone's latest update and UK/Israel available/leaked data -- quite revealing. Might want to check out data on Expose or sub stack -- Geert Vanden Bossche, Dr. Alexander, many more begging halt of jabs. Facebook even has a group.
Do you believe in ultimate justice?
by Fisherman inultimate justice means that conduct is not inconsequential.
I read somewhere today that truth always prevails - really? Okay, I'll take it. I think it was a covid/"vaccine" (anti) medical dr. making statement.
Do you believe in ultimate justice?
by Fisherman inultimate justice means that conduct is not inconsequential.
IMO "Karma," just another feel good word. History best indicator - evil prevails, always. There's no such thing as justice.
JW Obession with the trinity
by Riley inso a few years i watched a lecture series by a man named dr. micheal heiser called the two powers in heaven, jesus in the old testament.
funny thing was it wasn't even very evangelical in nature, so i turned off my religious binders and just watched it like a regular person.
it turns out that the new testament is a hinge point in the bible.
StephaneLaliberte - ❤️ Beloved Grandmothers -- like super women.
I learn so much here about trinity/non trinity and end up so confused but just can't wrap my skull around trinity -- probably haven't the right knowledge yet.
Interesting points re/Jewish faith. Know quite a few strict/rigid in their faith but their behavior questionable - they're only humans and normal to act as such. They clearly seem negative toward JWs but, again, that's normal.
'In Search of Christian Freedom'
by riblah ini cross-posted this on reddit:.
i would love to have a hard copy of this book.
does anyone know about how to go about persuading the person who has the rights to print a batch?.
I enjoyed the book -- recall it was paperback or whatever was available at the time (moons ago) and was white/blue letting and quite thick. I pitched JW items out and it may have been included accidentally. Isn't it available online somewhere?