Evidently per photo JWs have endured enough of WT's 'Good News'. Perhaps WT try tent revivals on smaller scale to 'Declare the Good News'. Might help rev up attendance.
I'd much rather attend a Benny Hinn event.
i thought i would tell this story: 2 gals and a guy came by with invitation to convention.
i am in the yard.
the gals get out and are wearing pants.
Evidently per photo JWs have endured enough of WT's 'Good News'. Perhaps WT try tent revivals on smaller scale to 'Declare the Good News'. Might help rev up attendance.
I'd much rather attend a Benny Hinn event.
i am in western canada.
we use to have our assembly in saskatoon.
our assembly has moved to medicine hat.
I agree re/scant number of bodies in attendance at conventions but not sure they're collapsing (unfortunately) soon. We've all read churches are packed/folding - it can't be both and WT holding good in comparison. Not sure that's true in US. Maybe folks just stay comfy and watch the TV evangelizers like they do NASCAR. Hard to tell with no PIMOs in mainstreamer churches. Compared to the early 90s the attendance is sparse.
i am in western canada.
we use to have our assembly in saskatoon.
our assembly has moved to medicine hat.
Sounds good -- can't wait to see some photos.
i have not read a wt for many years, but a comment on jwn prompted me to check out this one study article #19. i was stunned, they addressed many observations i have made in the "comments you will not hear" over the years.
this segment will contain comments on the section called what we do not know paragraphs 1 through 10. i will post what we do know” in another original post covering paragraphs 11 through 17”.
1) definition of "king of the south" and "king of the north.
Thanks, Blondie -- always loved your WT reviews/"highlights."
i am in western canada.
we use to have our assembly in saskatoon.
our assembly has moved to medicine hat.
Photos of convention attendees roped/corralled off posted all over the internet had to be embarrassing for WT or they're too busy gloating about the cheap rental rate negotiated. After all, they're real estate experts.
Bet the papparazzi nazi is on patrol this year - no cell phone photos allowed inside arenas other than designated areas. Another bozo no-no for JWs.
i am in western canada.
we use to have our assembly in saskatoon.
our assembly has moved to medicine hat.
i am in western canada.
we use to have our assembly in saskatoon.
our assembly has moved to medicine hat.
JW GoneBad - great share. Would be interesting to know how many conventions are scheduled at Long Beach.
from reddit ex jw, a user posted this material of a hypothetical new light on dissociated people......i'm posting it only for the record, nothing else is known.
it seems that the topic has been deleted either by the moderators or by the user himself.
understanding dissociation in light of the scriptures.
Not a chance they'll change treatment only lie about it.
in holland we say "not because it is requierd, but because it's possible.
before we shaved, and now we let it grow.
pinky ring, too!.
All that secret wealth/luxurious lifestyle to flaunt watches/designer suits for entertainment/theatre image. Maybe they should rock some 'jesus' sandals with their GQ attire/beards. Appearance is important on stage and beards to display popular style/touch of mainstream freedom. What freedom - can you stand it! Beards for public appeal and membership drive-delusions.
after over 100 years...watchtower helps the poor of nyc...by leaving!!
jehovah's witnesses hotel becomes affordable housing.
developed by breaking ground, 90 sands brings new housing opportunities to brooklyn.. .
Longy -- YES -- I couldn't believe all the slugs living off the government (actually taxpayers!) and conning every one they possibly could inside the hall. A couple of the clergy class (elders) solicited for them -- makes me sick thinking about it! I heard many JWs lie and claim to have mental issues to qualify for government aid/handouts and peddle for WT. Many individuals will do anything (pioneer) to fit in/be accepted. It's the norm for JWs throughout US to use the gov.