I attended weddings, funerals, xmas parties and toasting. also acknowledged the merry xmas slogans the sales clerks USED TO YELL OUT. i would always tell them to have a great holiday and NOW I REALLY YELL OUT MERRY, MERRY XMAS. THOSE CROOKS IN BROOKLYN can fly a kite and technically i was never baptized since i didn't COMPREHEND at the time of being bamboozled i was dedicating myself to the demonic watchtower. that one went over my head because of all the stress i had trying to follow the rules. UNREAL!
Posts by LV101
Disfellowshipping Offense
by Had To Go inso i went to my sister's wedding this past sunday, which happened to be smack dab in the middle of a church service.
my all faithful husband told me it was a dfing offense and that he was obligated to tell the elders that i was going to a church.
i really could care less about the actual act of being df it is the fact that my husband felt the need to "turn me in".
Disfellowshipping Offense
by Had To Go inso i went to my sister's wedding this past sunday, which happened to be smack dab in the middle of a church service.
my all faithful husband told me it was a dfing offense and that he was obligated to tell the elders that i was going to a church.
i really could care less about the actual act of being df it is the fact that my husband felt the need to "turn me in".
tell him that worshipping at the watchtower is satanical and he's gullible/stupid.
by MrFreeze indoes anybody here do any volunteer work?
i mean real volunteer work.
not the jw "knock on doors and annoy people" kind of volunteer work.
Yes - only through woman's organization. we help homeless teens on street --- help collect/donate shoes for the children in schools, help donate to the salvation army alittle and privately. some kids have never owned a brand new pair of shoes. i feel i should really be working in the orphanage but have to toughen up a tad plus you catch every sickness until you build up your immunity. i don't feel i'm contributing privately and this bothers me but it's time consuming w/all the events to raise money and stressful w/the hierarchy - women!!!
A roaring current of change.... Is The Watchtower in the process of a major overhaul of their religion?
by koolaid-man ina roaring current of change..... what is going on at the world headquarters of jehovah's witnesses?
in the last couple of years unprecedented changes in policy, procedure, and doctrine have been coming forth in rapid fire sequence.
this uninterrupted episode of new information is beginning to backfire for the rank and file witnesses.
how can countries like Zambia keep them rich. aren't they dependent on the deep pockets in US and some european countries. i've noticed more african americans/hispanics being recruited and how sad for them to give up their education and end up w/this dead-end future.
lovely lil -- hope your sources are accurate about the $$$$$!
I'm an HBH
by Lunatic Faith ini have received two visits from car-groups this week and am trying not to freak out.
i think it is because the co's visit is coming up.
i have been home-but-hiding both times.
WHAT A BUNCH OF PIGS THEY WERE AND ARE. too bad people can't call the police when they're stalking/bugging people on their property. it should be illegal for them to be on your property w/out being invited.
Why Would YOU Never Go Back To The Witnesses?
by minimus ini think my mains reasons would be i don't believe they have "truth".
and i refuse to allow them control over me..
Local Elder advises Young woman to make up with abusive husband
by troubled mind injust never ceases to amaze me how things in the organization stay the same .
you would think by 2011 these guys could come up with something better than " makeup now ,you know jehovah hates a divorcing !
" ( but obviously he doesn't mind a woman being abused !
i hate this cult and it's losers, also. this country and the freedom these cults have --- society should be ashamed what goes on and how innocent people are maimed by this woman-hater club!! if anyone should be watched and regulated it should be watchtower and it has to be the worse religion after scientology and i'm not sure about that! where are the good ole boys spying around on their bros in this cult as to how they care/treat their families. ahhh, that's right, it's ok. i attended a hall where a PO used to punch his wife in the face and give her black eyes. she finally divorced the loser and he couldn't even visit his boys in another state w/out a child protective agent/monitor in the room and this loser was quite popular among the good ole boys and "friends" in area.
Abusive Women and manipulation
by Lady Lee inthe other day we were talking about abusive mothers (toxic relationships).
i was sent this link today and think it is worth sharing.
i think it is an excellent article.
Lady Lee --- I hear ya about men using the same abuse techniques. Mankind is a sick lot. Another arena is women's groups (charity). There's always a hierarchy and cliques big time.
My Labrador died can anyone please help me. I can't stand the pain.
by Witness 007 inmy wife recovered from depression just 14 months ago and things have been going well.....so much so that i started a buisness for her and we are two weeks into it.
my labby was ill vomiting abit of discomfort, i thought great, you ate something bad again!
the vet gave him a shot and sent us home.
So sorry for your loss -- i love dogs and haven't recovered from the loss of my last two and miss them so much. decided i just can't go thru this again but desire one of every kind out there. you are smart bringing a new pup into your life while you go thru your grief process, which is necessary. unlike humans, our dogs love us unconditionally. I'm still having difficulty viewing photos of our last two and this post has helped me --- and glad you posted. Time helps.
Abusive Women and manipulation
by Lady Lee inthe other day we were talking about abusive mothers (toxic relationships).
i was sent this link today and think it is worth sharing.
i think it is an excellent article.
Lady Lee --- thanks for this great info. I'm always comparing the abuse of my egg donor (borrowing blondie's term) to the watchtower in many ways. I'm ordering the book.