wasblind --- love your analogy of people in religion --- seems so true.
Posts by LV101
Do you let others mamke you feel guilty?
by Snoozy ini was curious over my reaction to something my brother said to me the other day.. he asked me if i had accepted christ.... i am not overly relgious since leaving the jw's and am just now starting to think there may possibly be something greater than us out there.
but.... when he asked me that i felt like i had to make all kinds of excuses and apologize in a way because i don't even think about things like that and also think people that do are a little fanatic..(jmo).. then i got to thinking, why did i feel guilty when he asked me that?
how can some poeple do that?
How do Smart people create so much STUPID??
by Terry inlooking back on my life i just have to wonder: what was i thinking?!.
how did i get involved with a religious cult in the first place???.
i am embarassed, frankly!.
i can relate. the things we get involved with in adult life is because of yesterday (everything is out of fear and a self-focus, i think) to protect ourselves and survive/build a better life which is great but we end up strangling ourself. the JWs paint such a pretty life for one now and all the frosting of cute critters later and seeing a significant, dead, loved, one again that we lost in our early life. we are so vulnerable and it's scary for me to become involved with another religion. i feel like such a fool and when presented w/the nonsense at young age after college wanted nothing to do with it but later chalked it up to my being selfish, and caved in. it's so easy to become tired/exhausted with the challenges of life and working hard.
Do people generally like you?
by Terry inin person, people tend to love me.
i'm told how likeable i am.. on discussion boards i have unlikeable qualities which infuriate others.. .
are you likeable in person and likeable on boards?
great comments. (i hear ya, LHG) and the boundary/parameters are a big deal and, unfortunately, there are times when we make such an effort to get along w/individuals because of social, family, work-related situations, religion, whatever, and realize (duh) it's insane to continue. boundaries don't work with all disordered characters and it's a waste of time. i think people generally like me (have a few friends since childhood and forever). seems it's the nice people that are taken advantage of and i've had a couple of friends tell me i'm a soft --- easy touch/target, whatever, and i denied it at one time, but realize they're right. who wants to carry themselves like a junkyard dog (but you do have to be very cautious) and not be loving toward others. there are a lot of dynamics at play w/individuals.
terry --- i really enjoy your posts and you seem to be very nice/straightforward.
I was Dubsnubbed this past week.
by I quit! injust this past week i went to see a jbub relative that was in the hospital.
there was an elder there from her hall.
he was probably there for support but also to make sure no blood was used.
know what you mean, lovelylil -- you are too funny! i think you should do a youtube to teach others. their dubsnubbin' has never bothered me one iota because i see them and run, but there's something new going on out there w/the dubsnubbers.
I was Dubsnubbed this past week.
by I quit! injust this past week i went to see a jbub relative that was in the hospital.
there was an elder there from her hall.
he was probably there for support but also to make sure no blood was used.
yes --- love the term, "dubsnub" and sorry OUTLAW --- meant to thank wtwizzard for the the term, "cancer." think the losers in crooklyn would be shocked if they realized how evil their religion appears to decent, hardworking, family-oriented, true christians in the world.
I was Dubsnubbed this past week.
by I quit! injust this past week i went to see a jbub relative that was in the hospital.
there was an elder there from her hall.
he was probably there for support but also to make sure no blood was used.
also might add--- i've had associates (non-witnesses) of these witnesses in this high-end mall pull me aside OR CALL ME and relay stories to me about the witnesses they work with shunning their VERY OWN FAMILY MEMBERS and friends who've left the cancer (thanks, OUTLAW) and they CANNOT BELIEVE THE STORIES THEY HEAR! WHAT A GREAT WITNESS CROOKLYN IS MAKING!!! THEY TELL ME MORE ABOUT this than i read on here. a couple of them WERE ACCEPTING and actually reading the magazines and felt perhaps they were among an honest co-worker (show business but they'd indicate there was maybe one HONEST EMPLOYEE OUT OF THE FOLD of witnesses). THE WITNESSES chance of getting these nonwitness co-workers to visit a hall or study was NEVER GONNA HAPPEN just from the shunning they witnessed with their very own eyes and the testimonies going around. UNREAL! and THEY WONDER WHY PEOPLE THINK THEY'RE A DANGEROUS CULT --- DUH!!!!!
I was Dubsnubbed this past week.
by I quit! injust this past week i went to see a jbub relative that was in the hospital.
there was an elder there from her hall.
he was probably there for support but also to make sure no blood was used.
SUCH UNGODLY MEN THESE JW LOSERS -- not all, but the type you encountered! i was snubbed a couple of times few mos. ago (YEAH!!!) and didn't pay too much attention because i WANT NOTHING TO DO W/THESE PEOPLE ANYWAY, but it was really strange it happened so close in time w/two hardliners. it had been yrs. since this happened (ONLY BY ONE DUB YRS. AGO, and i'd told her don't call me or bother w/me because i want nothing to do w/that religion and she's brainwashed). I THINK IT'S FUNNY (in my situation --- not all, of course, when it's family, loved ones and many ex-witnesses or d/associated ones are hurt by this), but i noticed the cult doesn't control their chimps when it comes to sales and when i'm shopping and they're hustling me for commissions they are all too syrupy except this one loser who knows i chat frequently w/another ex-witness in store. i never wanted to be bothered w/her anyway, and can't wait to tell the manager of the store how the clerks SHUN the customers --- but then I CAN'T DO THAT as it's not becoming of one trying to follow the Christ, right! she (the salesclerk shunner) knows well it was a fluke i ever allowed her to ring something up for me, anyway. we even talked about the religion and she was spouting on and on about Jehovah and i said, what about Jesus and what about that blood issue they kill you with. but i've never had this happen before when they're hustling for commissions, and i've spent years running from them or doing business with them unless no one else around and cornered. FUNNY! she even stopped leaving 5 messages a week on my phone about new merchandise. oh, such a loss for me. the other one was a pioneer puppet at grocery store --- i honestly feel sorry for them and they wonder why their lives are so miserable.
the brooklyn losers have much to be proud of. what pathetic lives their adherents have. i made it known yrs. ago while in they were the most ill-mannered, jealous, gossipy -- subhuman-type individuals i'd ever encountered in my entire life. i realize, of course, there are a few exceptions to the rule but one must fit in --- economically, socially, everything.
What Are Their Motives?
by headisspinning ini have a question.
if jws are a cult, what is the motivation of the leaders?
what are they getting out of controlling all these people?.
lifeisgood -- thanks for info. hard to believe what corporations in this country get away with and it's legal. THIS SHOULD BE REPORTED ON so at least the information is out there, not that it would matter. UNREAL! it's sad that nothing can be done and the control this EVIL outfit has going. STUPID CULTS.
so bottom line --- it's all legit and doesn't matter.
What Are Their Motives?
by headisspinning ini have a question.
if jws are a cult, what is the motivation of the leaders?
what are they getting out of controlling all these people?.
LIFEISGOOD --- how can this be LEGAL and they remain a tax-free corporation all in the name of "religion." THE GOV'T KNOWS THIS AND ALLOWS THEM TAX-FREE STATUS. the rank and file are obviously clueless. WOW. WHAT AN incredible marketing scheme/sham. i cannot understand how this is legal.
The Enron Of Religion
by Brother_Izzacult inthe governing body of the jehovah's witnesses are the smartest guys in the room.
they are faithful to the rockstar lifestyle and they are discreet like the money changers that jesus threw out of the temple.
they win.
this is GREAT! hope he's right about the internet will bring them down.