ahhh, YES!! it's on his all time, great, tape, "Graceland." a good tape for one's collection --- it's the one he made with the african musicians also has the duo w/he and chevy chase hit. always play this tape cruisin' out of town drives and passengers request/love it.
Posts by LV101
"She said a bad day's when I lie in bed and think of things that might have been"
by leavingwt in.
one of my favorite paul simon songs.. .
Where's Y-not?
by drewcoul ini always look forward to her insights and comments.
what happened to her?.
elderelite --- good to know all is well. hope she returns.
oh! if this paste works this is a dandy
by booby inconvention experience from japan !
from gary wong.
as part of a convention program in japan , a sister was asked to give her experience of how she came into the truth.
i recall hearing this same story at one of the assemblies right before i exited 1996 -- at the latest 1997. they are pathetic/desperate repeating the same sagas.
Where's Y-not?
by drewcoul ini always look forward to her insights and comments.
what happened to her?.
hope someone contacts elderelite re/YKnot in the event he misses this thread.
Where's Y-not?
by drewcoul ini always look forward to her insights and comments.
what happened to her?.
I miss her info and hope she returns soon.
Behold! — Watchtower’s Bible Scholar
by Marvin Shilmer inbehold!
watchtowers bible scholar .
today i uploaded a new article to my blog taking a look at watchtowers announcement and identification of its bible scholar.
rutherfraud was just another charlatan. didn't he do his legal stunt the apprentice way (if, in fact, he even did this much work) and he was a lowly runner (read something about him running papers back and forth and filing them) and got his hands on some forms --- filled in the blanks and puff was a lawyer. i've heard men used to become country doctors the same way. i'm sure it was another scam job before he found the lord.
I saw a sad sight yesterday.
by wobble ini was strolling up our high street, trying to avoid the sally army chuggers, when coming towards me was an elderly lady, she suddenly approached a young lady and offered her a tract, the girl refused.. the old dear was weirdly dressed in very old-fashioned clothes that still screamed "pioneer",they can't have been exactly fashinable when they were new, she must have been in her seventies, but was weird looking, not helped by bright orange hair and very red lipstick, i checked, and she was holding the tract "you can trust the bible" (oh yea??).
i have not seen anyone doing street work for ages in our town, even she was not that dedicated, she dodged in to a charity shop and had a look at what was on offer,still counting her time i guess.. i thought of engagng her in conversation, but then i thought no, better to leave her in the cult, she will do more harm reinforcing the impression that jw's are a bunch of weirdos by her desultory street work than she would if she woke up and left the dubs.. years ago we used to get a bunch of young people together and we would all go in street work, and to the markets etc.
we used to make it fun, as much as we could.. now all they have as the public face of the jw's is a sad, weird old lady.. i think we shall see this more and more, the glory days are gone for the wt.. good..
ahhh, great thread/better than comedy hour. there's an old woman working my starbucks corner (oh, my). i was parked in the lot and she started tapping on my window and i told her (thru the window) i already have the magazines and she was still persistent --- i didn't want to be rude to her but had to tell her at least three times.
If JW's Should Be Accountable For Their Sordid History.....
by AllTimeJeff in....shouldn't christian religions of all persuasions be accountable as well?.
if this is insulting, it isn't meant to be.
former jw's all the time come here on this forum and others to hold the governing body accountable for teaching lies and holding on to a history, a tradition if you will, that embraces leaders like c t russell and j f rutherford, both of whom taught things that are almost entirely rejected by jw's today.
OMG OUTLAW!!! LOVE THE ape shot (hope it's an ape). back to captain kangaroo school for me.
i agree w/shamus about the catholic church's remarkable charity programs and i'm not catholic although i'm telling dubs that's the only church i'll visit from now on (and any others if the mood strikes me). the catholic churches in my city are so packed w/people there's standing room only. poor ole kingdumb halls!
Combatting Depression
by sabastious ina few mornings back i was in the bathroom of the office building i work at.
i was washing my hands and i felt a rush of thoughts flood my mind.
the job i am doing for my client is an immense social network site.
rising to the challenge is positive and a healthy attitude but i always have to tell myself that ole indian saying (i can't quote verbatim) something like "however long it takes is how long it will take." it's comforting to me when i'm rushing/crazy. i've got one of those months and took on too much and here i sit reading online --- i'm only allowing myself 4 min online this morning.
"All religious belief distills down to faith in utterly unprovable stories."
by Franklin Massey ini read this today on the board and want to ask, is the statement true?.
all religious belief distills down to faith in utterly unprovable stories.
i feel this way sometimes.
tec --- appreciate your posts, as usual - love to you!
still thinking --- tec summed it up, "Me as well."