The world knows the JWs are a strange, weird, cult, and the evil chatter/has been ongoing for yrs long before the internet.
Posts by LV101
Belgium: Jehovah's Witnesses will be tried for hate crimes on February 16.
by yalbmert99 inbelgium: jehovah's witnesses will be tried for hate crimes on february 16..
The Power Of Unconditional Love
by 1234 inthe most powerful love in the universe is unconditional love.. a love that has no requirements or conditions.
no actions are necessary to receive it.. this love is all around us and can be easily seen.
watch any mother with its new born baby.
Now this use to be fact in psychology and you're WRONG re/human mothers and no way it's changed. Love for the newborn is NOT an automatic instinct for ALL mothers as for many animals. It's hard to imagine, I know. Ask the experts who work in the field of child abuse or spend few days in the arena working with abused children - infants on. Hard to recover from the evidence. -
Why do some politicians close down businesses but others politicians keep them open.
by pistolpete inwhat was confusing at first when this pandemic started, was why in some states or, in the same state but different cities, or same city but different county, or same county but different towns, some of the leaders like city council, mayor, or governor would shut down businesses in one area, but allow other businesses of the same nature to stay open.
for example, shut down a car wash in one area of town, but allow another car wash to stay open in another area of town.
the answer is very simple----corruption by the leaders.. this is why voting is not only important, but, also getting to know as much as possible who you are voting into office.
Politicians are keeping lock downs in place for a reason - they're desperate attempts to crash any positives in the economy. I disagree they're COVID obsessed. They clearly don't follow the science and lock downs don't work. Of course those with premobidities/underlying health conditions, weakened immune systems and elderly need to be very cautious as leading scientists have indicated. Deaths would have been greatly curtailed if politically driven FDA had not released false reports about Hydroxychloroquine and Dem/blue states not used the life-saving med to advance their agenda. It's all planned out.
Why do some politicians close down businesses but others politicians keep them open.
by pistolpete inwhat was confusing at first when this pandemic started, was why in some states or, in the same state but different cities, or same city but different county, or same county but different towns, some of the leaders like city council, mayor, or governor would shut down businesses in one area, but allow other businesses of the same nature to stay open.
for example, shut down a car wash in one area of town, but allow another car wash to stay open in another area of town.
the answer is very simple----corruption by the leaders.. this is why voting is not only important, but, also getting to know as much as possible who you are voting into office.
To crash the economy - Dems, a/k/a radical Leftists is following their play book (and they've many more tricks) w/China, et. al., so get ready for a bumpy night! Another coup in the brew along with the CHI COM plague.
Thousands on LV strip Saturday night UNMASKED but radical left GOV attacks Trump rally/Henderson held in open air/unwalled/manufacturing plant - owner removed walls. GOV dines in restaurants, UNMASKED, no social distancing (has even had to apologize previously for snugglin' too close for comfort w/his guest - he also has negative sexual charges or perv negatives online) and live band entertainment while musicians/entertainers beg to return to work. The hypocrisy and entitlement never stops.
BLM ambush two police officers sitting car. Then try to storm hospital saying I hope they die. This is the new left.
by mickbobcat in
Re "dead" voters (lolol) it's very possible and won't be the first time - they've quite a track record for this.
Everyone needs to check the records for their deceased parents, grandies, great-grandies, aunts/uncles, cousins, dog catcher, etc., etc., - everyone you know. LOL a good friend who is buddies with the present governor reminded me to do this. The cemeteries sell the lists - apparently.
Expect more of the same - only worse this time if that's possible.
Also - re/mail in ballots - US postal workers/mail carriers/whatever are 90% on the left! This has all been manipulated/orchestrated for 4 yrs minimum - this new drama beginning with COVID.
JW Broadcasting: The new TV hucksters
by RULES & REGULATIONS inw88 4/1 pp.
15-20. christendom exposed as the promoter of false worship.
7 now, in the age of television, we have tv preachers exploiting that medium with every kind of theatrical trick and psychological device to beguile the masses and empty the pockets of the flock.
Overrated - hilarious! I laughed so hard re/the buttons. Where did you get all the buttons?
BLM ambush two police officers sitting car. Then try to storm hospital saying I hope they die. This is the new left.
by mickbobcat in
It's politically driven - the desperate Dems have caused this/their agenda and not unique when brainwashing the minions to feel guilty and repentant to usher in their power/socialism. US is already high on the socialism scale and more like the next level - word starting with 'c' and ending in an 'ism'.
Those despicable whites (slaves now for decades) who work hard, pay all the taxes (or majority of them), enrich the corrupt politicians w/all that monopoly money to scheme with - provide social services to those who hate them yet NOW need to feel selfish and self-centered and share everything else to all -- except those in power at the top of the echelon who really get it all.
BLM ambush two police officers sitting car. Then try to storm hospital saying I hope they die. This is the new left.
by mickbobcat in
As they block ER entrance and a little boy prays his mommy (one of the sheriffs) doesn't die. She deserved it all - after all the entitled left can kill others and walk now. They also deserve redistribution and to be taken care of - as if that hasn't been happening!
Many have no respect for life or the property of others but just want to tear down anything/everything.
What’s up with the modern Nation of Israel?
by DATA-DOG inbeing raised a dub i never voted.
i’m not a republican or a democrat, not a liberal or a conservative.. i’m pretty middle of the road.
i want everyone to have a fair shake if possible in this life, but i definitely don’t believe in forced equality, that’s just not possible.
Is this true re/Antifa/BLM ruling Portland for few yrs. now? What does arranging traffic mean - oh my. This isn't true in Seattle, I hope.
Secret witnesses, wiretaps and banned literature
by Fadeaway1962 in .
shame for those in prison, .
where were the angels and the holy spirit to protect them like in the past ?
Yep - amazing/terrible when Putin beats them at their own game. Several yrs. ago psychologists witnessed the destruction on the lives of JWs who were nixed out and the negative mental health issues it caused so I'm all for Russia standing up to the NoKo cult but I have empathy for the JWs doing time because of brainwashing and hope/justice for a better life. Wouldn't take much more than a happy on earth line to hook someone there - they'll do anything to get out of that country. Spend time in Russia and you can't wait to board jet to get out. Beautiful country/resource rich/pathetic.