Stats/data are revealing tad more than the internet whistleblowers' false alarms but as a skeptic I get what you're referring to. It's horrific and death toll around 6 mil (worldwide) between ventilator/remdesivir kill off death to blast off fear factor (lower social security aid and payouts in a broken system) in sheeple until the jab launch method. Now the 5th booster out (already being used in Israel, of course) after testing consisted of 8 dead mice - if I read that correctly (Dr. Alexander/substack). From what they gather tough winter season ahead w/decimated immune systems of the elderly-elderly (over 80) and younger out bouncing around spreading illness from the jabs. If ever time to sport a mask it's now not that they help. Geert Vanden Bossche indicating the clock is reading 12:05! I certainly hope all this is krazy whistleblower yacking but data reveals otherwise to date. Even Walgreens has decent info out in the US/UK.
93% of all deaths are those jabbed 3 times -- 2 "vaccinations" and one booster per UK data. One's odds are not good w/each add'l jab. Wish I had time to check out but coming/going here.
Drug cos have made a fortune off of taxpayer monies (as well as hospitals and medical professionals) and will continue making more with all the maimed-jabbed victims and new jabs being approved -- it's addictive and innocent folks are on the jab hamster wheel course. Is this for the depopulation agenda re/Gates' (Bill/Melinda) info/youtubes. Ethical doctors prefer the extra cash over health.