When they said that the remnant of annointed, the partakers of the emblems other then themselves, were really no different then the other sheep, sometimes even less spiritually (smart) / enlightened then some elders I thought about that scripture about our actions toward one of these least ones of Christ's brothers and thought wha!! But here they are back to treating them (these least) ones of Christ's brothers as once again important. They just can't keep it all straight anymore, because they say one thing to bolster an opinion they want supported and then they have to say something that contradicts. It's because it's all make up bull to try to keep the ball rolling.
Posts by booby
Oct.15th WT- " Wanna Be Jesus Friend? Have to Support the Faithful Slave"
by flipper inunder the study article " you are my friends " ( indicating jesus naturally by his quote ) the wt society makes it very clear that the only way to be jesus friend is to come through them or else you won't be approved by jesus or god.
translation : friendship with jesus = treating the " faithful slave " kindly = jesus approving you.
our jw relatives will be studying this in december at their meetings.. under the subheading on pg.
Watchtower Sends Legal Notice To Website Regarding Coyright Infringement
by Bangalore inthe watchtower has sent a legal notice to the owners of the eds blog for posting copyrighted material without permission.
here is the link to the trancript.
the site owners response is also there.. .
What I never quite get is how you can take such powerful ownership of something that you have obtained from freely given donations. That combined with the notion on the one hand going to such great lengths getting the stuff into the hands of the public as "cheaplly" as possible, and then on the other hand threatening someone monetarily harm for helping to do that. I realize that as the law stands at present, they have the law on their side, but I honestly feel the law should change. What we see here is like someone being given a painting as a gift, and then denying anyone even the giver of that gift from seeing it. It is now the possesion of the receiver of the gift and they have that "right" but what unmitigated gall this would be seen as. They are just a bunch of control freaks, with no true compassion.
Watchtower in the 1950's said Armagedon was coming in 1976!!!!!! Not 1975!
by Witness 007 inwatchtower way back in 1955 p. 93-95 explains that 6,000 years of human history would end in........1976!
a decade later in franz's book "life everlasting freedom sons of god" 1966 his chart revised one year down to 1975.. "crisis of conscience" mentions how knorr argued with franz in the early 70's as he wanted to revise it back to 1976....anyone remember this!.
I hope this puts to rest false claims about 1975. Well then there pjschipper. Perhaps you would like to enlighten us all. What was said about 1975. Just recently I was talking to a friend who has been out of the organiztion for some time now, one who I had not talked to in quite some time because of avoiding any religious/scriptural discussions because of not knowing what his situation (with the congregation) was. Now since I myself am out that no longer matters. Anyway after asking what his current standing is and his views of the society, we ending up discussing a few of the teachings of the Society. He related how he gave up a very good paying job, and made other adjustments in the families life, precisely because of the teachings of the society at that time. The end result, since the system has stubbornly gone on for over 30 years since then, his life is much less where he would have been had he not made the decisions that he made back then based on the teaching of the society. An interesting side note is that as he relates this information, with some regrets, he does not hold malice against the society. Views it more as an evolution of his life and his family.
from jw yahoo group . . name dropping
by booby ini too have fond memories of fred franz.
i served in brooklyn bethel from 1978 to 1987. brother franz would go to the 119 columbia heights sauna every wednesday night.
he had a small following of brothers, including me, who would also go on wednesday nights to the sauna just to pick his brain.
sorry alanv. this is a cut and paste from a yahoo group, not my thoughts . My comment, not clearly shown, was about the vision I didn't want in my head about guys crammed in a small sauna. Rays book is very inlightening and what makes it even more so is the lack of malice. He is totally believable in all that he says. Same for my second post, another cut and paste from that group. In that post we see the way their brain works. Thet can't see that it is exactly the way they are. What I have read about fred franz is not that he was just "smart" but also somewhat looney. Like in the asent minded professor, totally absorbed in his own mind and thinking. Very much an accentric.
from jw yahoo group . . name dropping
by booby ini too have fond memories of fred franz.
i served in brooklyn bethel from 1978 to 1987. brother franz would go to the 119 columbia heights sauna every wednesday night.
he had a small following of brothers, including me, who would also go on wednesday nights to the sauna just to pick his brain.
Funny how people will get an opinion and nothing can sway them. I used to work with some of them. I don't care how
many texts I showed them that clearly pointed out the Jesus is the son and separate from the Father, they would always come
back to their version of John 1:1 where they leave out the indefinite article "a". I would tell them "read verse 14, read verse 18".
And still couldn't sway them. Another guy swore that because my Bible doesn't say the same as his in 1st John 5:7&8, then it's
not the real Bible. Even though I found a book from HIS church that said that was added in 400 years after Jesus walked this
earth. Go figure. (2 Cor 4:3&4)
I thought this was interesting also. Notice the "funny how people will get an opinion and nothing can sway them" part -
from jw yahoo group . . name dropping
by booby ini too have fond memories of fred franz.
i served in brooklyn bethel from 1978 to 1987. brother franz would go to the 119 columbia heights sauna every wednesday night.
he had a small following of brothers, including me, who would also go on wednesday nights to the sauna just to pick his brain.
I too have fond memories of Fred Franz. I served in Brooklyn Bethel from 1978 to 1987. Brother Franz would go to the 119 Columbia Heights sauna every Wednesday night. He had a small following of brothers, including me, who would also go on Wednesday nights to the sauna just to pick his brain. Brother Franz was a very humble brother but also a very intelligent Rhodes scholar, and a very astute Bible student. Well on these Wednesday nights a group of about 12 of us would pile into a small sauna. Once we all were seated, Brother Franz would say, "Alright brothers- who has the first question?" He knew we were there to ask him questions. One brother would venture a question and brother Franz would say, "So what research have you done?" Then he would ask the rest of us what we had to say about the question. And finally he would tell us what he knew about that subject. It was a very memorable experience to say the least!
And Ray Franz, the apostate, is his nephew. I was there when his cronies were trying to disrupt the peace we had and were eventually disfellowshipped and removed from Bethel.creates visions in my brain that I don't want to have.
Congregation "Bible Study" Comments - Week Commencing 7 September 2009
by LUKEWARM in*** lv chap.
9 pp.
97-109 "flee from fornication" ***.
Masturbation is the stroking or rubbing of the genital organs, commonly resulting in orgasm.So just in case any of you younger ones in the audience aren't sure yet what masturbation is/means here it is. Maybe to fully understand we know of what we speak, give it a try. Next week we will more fully explain "orgasm".
Elder doesn't remember being on judicial committee with my wife
by JimmyPage inmy wife was talking to an elder at the meeting recently.
he asked her if she was still on restrictions (for our pre-marital hanky panky).
he went on to imply that they would probably be lifted soon.
I have to say that I have to agree that this is just not justifiable. Unless the congregation is going to hell in a handbasket, there just can't be that many judicial meetings going on. If there are so few elders that one elder is on every one of them, again something strange. And yes it can be hard for elders to win, and yes they can have alot on their plate. But again, and yes I have bin there, this is just not justifiable. If the guy is that senile that he just can't remember, why is he an elder, at least one used in this way?
What's with all the 'Imminent' nonsense?
by AK - Jeff incould it be that the proximity of 2014 is at the heart of it?.
i have no contact with jw's - except on this board - but my wife does at times with her family.
imminent is the cry of the sky for the jw's it seems.. i recall the years leading up to 1975 with a lot of that sort of thing.
leolaia;I hate to say this because I respect you but looks like you are no better than the gb with immenent projections.
Revealing Quote
by Farkel ini don't know who said this one:.
"there's never been a kingdom given to so much bloodshed as that of christ.".
i think that statement is beyond dispute.. farkel.
Do we really want god to get off his ass. Won't that mean the greatest holocaust ever. Even without jw calamity howling that time does not sound like a wonderful time.