jwleaks 38 minutes ago
Great article Terry.
Meanwhile, back at the Watchtower... Bible 'truths' are revealed one-step-at-a-time.
I'm like one of those trapped workers, No safe and honorable way get out.
safe to say, if you walked up to any of the 8 million jehovah's witnesses on earth today and told them the.
governing body was a fiction, not only would they refuse to believe you--they'd consider you their immediate enemy!.
what if i told you jw's embrace a mental construct which is at odds with history?.
just got back from the wt study and it overall was just so blindingly biased and leading.. i had to read it from the platform too, i hope they couldn't see the confounded look on my face as i read this craziness out!.
first we consider the faith of abel, enoch, noah, abraham, isaac and jacob, and moses.. all of these people are held up as sterling examples of blind faith, with the article pointedly saying that their imaginations sustained their faith in gods promises for them.
no mention anywhere at all that all of these characters saw and talked to angels, spoke to god himself, saw and performed miracles, or any of the other feats experienced by these characters.
Who else spotted what the bible says about the location of this better place (the city having real foundations) that these faithful Men and Women of old were reaching out for?
Hew 11: 16 -
now they are reaching out for a better place, that is, one belonging to
heaven. Therefore, God is not ashamed of them, to be called on as their
Check out how other translations word this verse and the 3 preceding verses. NO - wait, Stop, Please do not read other Bible translations, you will get the wrong meaning. We must believe the WT, These faithful Men and Women recorded in Heb 11 do not go the heaven, but will be part of the earthly resurrection.
well another big bad elder here just wanting to say sorry.. i'm sorry that so many were treated like crap, and shown that god's love is not to be found around jehovah's witnesses.
i'm sorry that inadvertently i've likely taught many to judge and as such see that racism permeates every corner of the jw world, else why else would someone be of the world, or even inactive.
i'm sorry i sat in on a jc, and voted to df.
i hope everyone is having a good saturday.
i've visited this many times in the past month or so, joined yesterday and finally got the nerve to post!
needless to say, i'm super nervous, being new to this whole experience.
if you were somehow magically put in-charge of the governing body tomorrow, by jesus, with the rules being, you could not teach anything that would be considered outright apostasy and you could not teach anything that would be considered to cause doubt about god's existence... (so as not to arouse suspicion).
what "new light" or "clarified understandings" would you introduce first?.
and which later on?.
so the family attended a wedding this weekend that we had coming up for a while.
the man getting married (a close relative of my wife) is the son of an (now) elder.
he was baptized young.
stephen lett speaks again in the beginning of the movie ... please smb make him shut up and go hide himself.
can they not see how ridiculous he is?.
by alexandra james.
jehovahs witnesses say that people have the right to change religions and that they deserve respect when it comes to that right, but this is not something that they offer to those who leave their religion.
At 5min in this speaker says that one of the reasons a DFed person wants to return, is so they can have association with the Brothers and Sisters again. What? "association with the Brothers and Sisters again". That is completely the wrong reason for returning. The real reason a DFed person should want to return is if they want to rekindle their relationship with Jehovah. NOT because of family and friends, this attitude should be considered a self centered one from the DFed person and not the type of person that Jehovah would want associating with his people.
This type of reasoning is plan wrong, but then again, every witness lapping this up would be thinking that this is a marvelous provision from Jehovah, and there is nothing wrong with it.
answer: by governing body of jws no!
answer: governing body of jws
answer: governing body of jws
Did the Governing Body not tell you that that bible verse doesn't apply to them?