The end is so near!
Posts by skin
I just watched the final video from this years convention. OMG!!!
by NikL ini am shaking all over right now.
i think it's worse that the bunker video.. i used to think there was no way that these people would actually "drink the cool aid" if you get my drift, but seeing this video i am now not sure it could never happen.. having a wife who i love dearly trapped in this cult is really freaking me out right now...
Quoting Vidiot; "Personally, I suspect that the GB is "projecting"......deep down, they're scared the authorities are coming for them."...
They and the Elders do believe that they could be taken away by the authorities, One elder from our congregation recently gave a stirring talk from on stage about how we (as a congregation) would cope if the authorities walked in the KH door right now and arrested and took away all the elders.Think about it brothers, because it could happen, we were told.
I went to a meeting at my old congregation last weekend
by hoser init’s a three for one deal.
about 10 years ago they merged 3 struggling rural congregations into one in the largest town.
at the time there were about 75 publishers.
And those 30 will still believe that there is a lot of interest out there.
Reaction to baptism figures
by neat blue dog intalking about tomorrow's wt study, that mentions over a quarter of a million baptized every year, a jw asked how many that is a day.
i got out my calculator and answered over 778 a day.
of course they were amazed at the growth, but immediatly i googled another statistic and read it aloud:.
Another way to look at it. Average numbers baptized per congregation per year. that would make it just over 2.
In our circuit there are around 11 congregations, So that would mean around 25ish on average should be getting baptized in our circuit. I know that there are nowhere near 25 getting baptized in this circuit per year.
Today’s meeting and CO visit
by Addison0998 inthe meeting today was quite disturbing as usual and had to endure 2 talks by yet another egotistical, pompous co who gives talks like a hardcore southern baptist, but people adore no matter what crazy shit spews from their mouth.
today, he talked about jesus illustration about how if your eye or hand stumbles you, remove it.
he went into gory detail about how somebodies eye ball is pulled out from their head, and what it takes to cut someone’s hand off...perhaps even with a front of many small children in the audience.
Saying that people who put off baptism are needlessly endangering their lives since only baptized ones can be saved...and then a few paragraphs later stating that we shouldn’t pressure people to get baptized.
That was in the WT study, and I also picked up on that double take. What they are telling any one not baptized that is listening, is that if you don't get baptized, you will die when the end comes very soon. And by the way, because we are a very loving and considerate organization, don't let anyone pressure you into getting baptized.
...'special'.. televised talk today.
by zeb in29th april.. anyone have a lead on the ..'special'.. talk that my wife et al has to travel miles to hear/see?
just so i can be advised.. thanks..
Naturally it is not one of the members of the GB with the ARC aftermath. Scaredy cats.
But the televised WT study was conducted by that O'Brien guy, who had a part in the ARC.
Craziest Speculations You’ve heard about the end and paradise
by Addison0998 inwe’ve all heard them all our life.
my two biggest stupidest ones i think are, “ we can really tell the end is almost here with the way people drive on the highway.” and a girl who said she wants to hurry up and marry her boyfriend because she’s scared if the end comes before their married, she’ll have to wait 1000 years to marry him.
oh and also a poor old lady saying that she hopes jehovah wipes away the memory of her disfellowshipped sons that he will have to destroy.
Also any future planning, (well anything more than 2 years away), is a waste of time because we all know that the end will come before then.
My impressions of the cart witnessing
by Sour Grapes ini have watched tons of youtube videos of our exjdub friends approaching and talking to the jdub manikins at their carts as they give a great witness to the world by sipping their hot lattes, updating their social media, chit chatting to each other, and the most important thing of getting their time in, counting their hours.. when the jw's see someone approach with a camera they do several things, they will turn their backs on the person, or look at the person with a frown and act like the person isn't even there.
the witlesses refuse to answer simple, clear, and precise questions.
when i was an elder i loved to get into discussions and debates with trinitarians, priest, clergymen and those who were born again.
Welcome to this very friendly site DissedbyE. Skin.
2018 Courage Convention video invitation
by Listener inthe video invitation for the 2018 convention is just creepy.
i thought it was some parody at first as it seems 'dark'.it begins with a young man being pushed whilst standing at his locker and the voice over says that 'in critical times we need courage more than ever'.
next, comes a clip of a male putting his hand on the shoulder of a female worker, the look she gives him would be enough to give him nightmares for the next year.
I watched it with the sound turned off, is she not giving that evil look to her husband?