Welcome, thanks for all your hard work you have put in to getting that information available. Thanks 😊
Posts by skin
I made a Website to examine the scriptures/words usage in every JW publication since 1950/1970
by ComingOutaMyCage inhi everyone!i'm new here, but have been active on the reddit r\exjw community.
i have just published a website where i analysed the last 50-70 years worth of watchtowers, awake, books, brochures, and kingdom ministries/work books.. i have collected all the data and published it at the link below.
you can also see below an example of genesis.
I wear glasses but that is still to blurry to read, any clearer list of those publications?
Are Jehovah’s Witnesses softening their view of Faders?
by Darkknight757 inso my in-laws actually went out to dinner with us today.
normally, since leaving in 2016, they wouldn’t eat with us or talk much to me.
(since i did convince their daughter to leave the cult).
I would say it appears to be more of a personal choice with the witnesses has to their contacts with DF family. WT are still saying no association with these ones, but i know of Elders who are not only spending time with their dfed family, they are open to letting you know that they are seeing them. Of course its ok to do this if you are trying to rekindle their interest in the truth.
Typical jw doublespeak
by nowwhat? inthe org.
said to follow government guidelines but here in ohio they are making everyone wear masks for the meetings, despite the fact mask wearing is only mandatory in health care facilities!
I don't think there will be any government law forbidding the wearing of masks. So they are not actually going against the law of the land by wearing them at the meetings.
ARC Redress Scheme
by smiddy3 in974 results found,this is the number of congregations of jehovah`s witnesses that have signed up to the redress scheme for child abuse victims in australia.. what does that tell us ?.
and that number may not be all ..
Wonder if the members know they have joined?
Nagging starting
by road to nowhere inphone call to us.
attend meeting, wear mask, distance, get shots.
every one was said to be nobodies business.
Here in this part of the world, we have been almost virus free since it first appeared on the world scene over 2 years ago, then a few months back, is when it first got out of control here, now its everywhere and our first in-person meeting is tomorrow. Good one!..but most JWs i know are excited to be going back to the hall, if the control center say its ok to go back to meetings in person, then it must be safe.
Jw's sending me invites and letters, I don't get it.
by Foolednomore infirst off, i have made it real clear with jw's my thoughts on being a jw.
i'm out, there is no coming back.. second, i'm on their " do not call list" .. so why now all of a sudden my mailbox is getting bombed 💣 by their memorial invites and letters?.
don't they follow their do not call list?
With pioneering being so easy now sitting in front of zoom, the issued territory is being covered a lot quicker than before, so those pioneering are looking at other options/ persons to write letters too, including family members not in the WT, neighbour's, and those who have faded.
I got robbed this morning!
by Iamallcool infirst of all… i am ok. i was robbed at the gas station this morning.
after my hands stopped trembling, i managed to call the police.
they were quick to respond and calmed me down, but all my money is gone.
Hi Blondie...long time no hear. Welcome back.
Watchtower says you can be Disfellowshiped for being Fat!
by Witness 007 inwatchtower 1974 p.167 "by disobediently over indulging in food and making a glutton of himself he shows no love for jehovah..in the presents of others does he ignore their needs and selfishly take more then his fair share?
is he grossly overweight gorging himself?
does he feel uncomfortable even getting sick...this person has no place in the congregation of god...they will not inherit gods kingdom.".
One of the very first witness get togethers I was invited too, not long after I become a witness. i was asked to bring a 2kg container of ice cream to it, thats fine I thought, I then found out everyone invited were also bringing ice cream. We are going to have an ice cream eating competition where the winner is the fastest to eat all their container of ice cream. Straight away I said no way, not because I knew what gluttony was at that stage, but because the thought of eating that much ice cream would of make me sick, I had never heard of over endulging in food eating competitions before I become a witness. Once a witness, eating competitions were entertainment for us, one brother tried to eat 50 marshmallows, he ended up being sick in the toilet and those marshmallows wouldn't flush away.
04-2022 Q from Readers on Divorce
by Rattigan350 inany comments on the 04/2022 question from readers on divorce and remarriage.. "if a christian divorces his wife without scriptural grounds and then marries another person, how does the congregation view the previous marriage and the new marriage?".
why does that even matter how the congregation views anything?
they should be minding their own business.. if people move to a different area, the congregation wouldn't even know about.. (if a guy remarries a woman with the same first name, she would end up with the same name and no one would know).
WT give us the idea that divorce is almost unheard of in the JWs, and that it is a worldly problem. Personally, I know a lot of failed JW marriages, for various reasons their marriages fail. But the ones I don't understand, are the marriages where they get divorced, then a number of years later, both remarry again to another WT member without any known discipline having taken place. "The world is so bad", we are told....but I don't see this level of divorce happening in the world. This is an unspoken issue that is happening within JWs that they turn a blind eye too, but they are more than happy to blame the world for failed marriages.