JoinedTopics Started by misguided
I don't know why...but this is what has been happening in my ex-jw world...
by misguided inso i took up volunterring for habitat for humanity in one of their restores about a year and a half/two years ago.
now as far as i've known growing up in the religion, this is a faith-based organization that jehovah's witnesses are not to support.
so i am wirded ou in some ways of what has happened during this time.. my first event was a previous elder from a congregation 3 hours away from where i live now, coming into the store.
Good news, finally regarding my ex-elder-pedophile-father-in-law...
by misguided inabout two weeks ago he was arested in bc, about 35 years too late thanks to wts cover-up.. he had a baby with my ex-husband's sister - my kids have a cousin who is also their aunt.
this was all covered up by moving from ontario to bc back in the early 1980s, and it all being hidden by the wts; even allowing this guy to serve as an elder after the fact...when i got married to my ex, his father was an elder, and the baby of the incest was 15. .
today and from now on, hopefully things will unravell for the wts in canada, as he sits in jail in ontario (where the crimes were committed)charged on 24 counts of sexual abuse.. i hope there is a lot of embarrassment going on in that congregation in ladner, bc when all this originally came to light about 28 years ago, the congregation that let this man become an elder...because, my own parents seem to be in "cover-my-ass" mode when it comes to talking about this matter with me..
JW News, Library, History, Videos, Talks, Illustrations Facebook Page...
by misguided inhttps://www.facebook.com/pages/jehovahs-witnesses-news-library-history-videos-talks-illustrations/252294947042.
what's your thoughts?.
Seriously, I wonder if this site is org approved: bethelandcitytours.com
by misguided ini can't seem to find the editing button to put in a hyperlink:.
they also put up a video on you tube on feb 12, 2012:.
Anderson Cooper is looking for stories of Sexual Abuse Covered-up...
by misguided ini know alot of us have stories.
maybe a chance to expose the sexual abuse issue of the jehovah's witnesses?.
by misguided ini have 6 children, 5 with another ex-jw, now aged 17 to 23, all happy to be out of the org.
however, i'm having trouble with my 6th, 13 years old, but mentally challenged due to a condition called cystic hygroma before he was born.
he is mentally at (my guess from the other 5) a 9 year old's level.
Question for all you 'smart (witty)' people.
by misguided ina ny bethelite is in town.
he arrived yesterday.
his dad is not doing well.. he has no idea i was a jw, let alone apostate.
What is wrong with these people?
by misguided ini'm at work...doing my job....letting, what happens to be a jw patient know what their blood-thinner medication orders are.. simple, yes...uncomplicated no!!.
i give them the instructions the dr. gave me...and then...they say to me..."oh, i met your parents...they're so nice.
they came over to our house with another couple.