hello stevieb1.
I find your question/this thread very relevant - especially when you take into account, what last weeks wt-study told/taught...
The wt-article studied was "Make Your Advancement Manifest". The article has been discussed in several threads weeks ago, with lots of interesting thoughts. (I'll see if I can find the those threads again...)
Paragraphs 7-9 sounded like this
7 In these verses, Paul explained that among the reasons why God made such ample spiritual provisions in the congregation are that all should ¡¥attain oneness in the faith and in accurate knowledge,¡¦ become a ¡§full-grown man,¡¨ and have the ¡¥measure of stature of Christ.¡¦ Only then will we be safe from being tossed about like spiritual babes by false ideas and teachings. Thus we see the close relationship between advancing to Christian maturity and gaining ¡§oneness in the faith and in accurate knowledge of the Son of God.¡¨ There are a number of points in Paul¡¦s counsel we do well to take to heart.8 First, since ¡§oneness¡¨ is to be observed, a mature Christian must be in unity and full harmony with fellow believers as far as faith and knowledge are concerned. He does not advocate or insist on personal opinions or harbor private ideas when it comes to Bible understanding. Rather, he has complete confidence in the truth as it is revealed by Jehovah God through his Son, Jesus Christ, and ¡§the faithful and discreet slave.¡¨ By regularly taking in the spiritual food provided ¡§at the proper time¡¨¡Xthrough Christian publications, meetings, assemblies, and conventions¡Xwe can be sure that we maintain ¡§oneness¡¨ with fellow Christians in faith and knowledge.¡XMatthew 24:45.
9 Second, the expression ¡§the faith¡¨ refers, not to the conviction that each individual Christian professes, but to the totaloity of our belief, ¡§the breadth and length and height and depth¡¨ of it. (Ephesians 3:18; 4:5; Collosians 1:23. 2:7) In fact, how can a Christian be in onesness with fellow believers if he only believes or accepts a certain part of ¡§the faith¡¨? This means that we must not be content with knowing just the basic teachings of the Bible or having just hazy or partial knowledge of the truth. Rather, we should be interested in taking advantage of all of Jehovah¡¦s provisions through his organozation to dig deeply into his Word. We must endeavor to gain as accurate and as full an understanding of God¡¦s will amd purpose as possible. This includes taking the time to read and study the Bible and Bible publications, to pray to God for his help and guidance, to attend Christian meetings regularly, and to have a full share in the Kingdom-preaching and disciple-making work.¡XProverbs 2:1-5.
It was quite interesting to hear the comments made. I have not attended a meeting for several weeks - and I intend to stay away in the future - but when I saw this article I became curious to know, in what way it might be used.
And the way things worked out at the meeting show, that - even if "anewperson" is right: Unity is not the same as "uniformity" - jehovahs witnesses / the watchtower use the word unity and in reality they mean "uniformity". Jehovahs Witnesses are allowed to live their faith, their beliefs and to express themselves freely. But only if it is in TOTAL conformity and "unity" with what the faithful and discreet slave has expressed in the watchtower or other publications by the wt.
How did Raymond Franz put it in his book "In Search of Christian Freedom", page 615:
...Unity based on a forced uniformity, though solid in outward appearance, is actually fragile. Unlike the unity based on truth and on love, the perfect bond of union, such imposed unity has no inner, natural strength, it survives only through manipulation, coercion and fear...
Very well said. And - as a JW through 30+ years - I'm sad to say: How true for Jehovahs Witnesses and The Watchtower...