I think it Santa Claus.
Those two on ticket would DEFINITELY beat the Republicans in 2008.
still not a conscience matter... although for the countries that demand that everyone register and actually walk in the booth to cast a vote, a witness may, if his conscience allows, register and go into the booth and add a new box labelled "jesus christ", then checkmark that box and vote for him... hahaha cool eh?!!!.
I think it Santa Claus.
Those two on ticket would DEFINITELY beat the Republicans in 2008.
so i went to a halloween party as a jehovah's witness.
i looked so much like the real thing that people were afraid to smoke pot in front of me.
I just came from a haloween party, and I went as a JW too! (only thing i had a costume for)
People seemed to love the mags i brought (is the devil real to you?) but they kept asking, "Where is your nametag?" My gf (who is also exjw) kept explaining, "That's mormons!" Everytime people would smoke pot or do "wrong things" i urged them to repent. (My gf said it wasn't very accurate as i sounded more like a fundie christian than a jw. but i think the finer points would have been lost on them.
Then I did a shot of something called Absythne or something like that, and it had a lot of booze and it hurt going down and then the rest of the party, I didn't ask people to repent as much and walking got trickier.
Interesting sidenote, my gf went as a "naughty school girl" and it was the shortest skirt she ever wore in public. Yet, she didn't feel that uncomfortable. I had to keep counseling her. :)
titles you could see in a wt/awake magazine:
1. candy-can it detract us from true worship?
2. rape victims-you are now allowed to scream again!
Just a side note, I built an app to generate typical WT article titles...
It generates such nuttiness as:
Just a smattering there... its random and weird. anyone can have the source code if they want. I was working on a full page watchtower homepage version... but i got busy. :(
you know even though i think the wt doctrine is mostly all garbage now, i still do believe that the bible is inspired from our creator.
the flaw in my understanding of it in the past was because i was interpreting it through the filter of the wts.
recently i have started clean slate and read the bible without the wt filter (easier said than done, your mind has a way of reverting back to what was programmed in there).
Sorry, just another thought. But one example of this sort of thing for me is with the WT contention that Matthew was written first. Why? They use the catholic tradition (funny, how these men were so demon possessed but could snap out of it long enough to write something true down).
I look at the arguments for Matthewian priority and funny enough, they are flimsy. Markian priority is way more sensible. Does this change how I view the gospels? Does it change how I view Matthew? Sure it does!
It always bothered me that Matthew got the Jesus riding on two animal thing so very wrong. I always wondered, whats wrong with this guy! But understanding that Matthew wrote later and wasn't very smart and got stuff wrong, helped me to weight that gospel (say compared to Luke, which has much better writing). Just one thought.
There are so many assumptions we make. Tough to challenge them all. But I guess when you come outta the WTBTS, you can't help it. :)
you know even though i think the wt doctrine is mostly all garbage now, i still do believe that the bible is inspired from our creator.
the flaw in my understanding of it in the past was because i was interpreting it through the filter of the wts.
recently i have started clean slate and read the bible without the wt filter (easier said than done, your mind has a way of reverting back to what was programmed in there).
Another presupposition in here is "the Bible". You are asuming the whole Bible to be inspired. Its easy to view to that way, but its not a terrible accurate way to look at it.
I think at some point we have to say, what about this book? what about this passage? what is inspiration? does inspiration mean inerrency?
The question I always ask myself, is what would it take for me to NOT believe in something? If the answer is, "nothing could change my mind!" then that belief is not based upon fact or reason. Therefore its unteachable to others.
anyone have any real information if the great exodus has begun?
tickle my ears-
Incidently, when are the 2005 stats coming out? In Feb 1st now?
i am so sick of witnesses reserving catchphrases for themselves.. talking to my wifes mother today she kept referring to "the friends".
"the friends came over today, we went to lunch with the friends".
well if they are "the friends", then what the hell are everyone else?
"The Friends" is a bit of an old timey expression. ianybm, i have definitely heard this used in Canada.
One really funny example that several of us pioneers would laugh at for some time was an older (and I do mean older) brother was talking about the street witnessing in a comment.
"So I was up with The Friends tm giving out The Tower tm "
Sounds kinda like the plot line to lord of the rings now that i think about it .. err.. maybe not. :)
imagine if the wt in brookline decided it was "scriptually incorrect" to shun ex-j.w.
's for any reason, what do you think would happen if they stopped the shunning practice?
i was never a j.w., so i'll leave it up to the experienced people here to conclude.
This question is a bit like asking, "What if men got pregnant?"
The question has a bit of absurdity to it, because if the WT no longer shunned, it would no longer be the WT. The WT's basis for existsance is an insular society. If it wasn't insular anymore, it would be the same. :)
"we are walking by faith, not by sight.
"we are walking by faith, not by sight.
' walking by faith means that we keep.
24th is the 50th anniversary of the UN. is that it?
do *i* win a gold star? ;)
somebody mentioned the "secret" pioneer school book the other day, prompting me to go find mine.
i started flipping through it, reading over my notes.
-- i don't know, that's a good question.
Oh God, when I get home I'm going to dig out my pioneer school textbook. But even at the school, there were a lot of comments that didn't sit very well with me. I came out of there and stopped pioneering actually.
Until I get home, here is one comment in particular that made me uneasy:
You know we consider the watchtower to be equal with the Bible.
Not a lie, it was Norman Lum. Nice guy (i guess) had some knowledge, but that comment really stuck with me.
Do you remember the question period too? I recall someone asking about oral sex. :)