Hi Joy, Without the chatroom I can't talk to you anymore So - tell me more about the coach from Heathrow to Weston.... Do you have to change bus in Bristol, how long is the wait there?
Posts by Celia
2005 Barbecue Is Definitely On!
by Englishman insaturday seems to be much preferred over sunday, so this years bbq will be held on saturday, july 9th, commencing around 2 pm.
location is our home in weston super mare.
as usual, the day will be very boozy and proceedings will conclude in the waverley pub.
2005 Barbecue Is Definitely On!
by Englishman insaturday seems to be much preferred over sunday, so this years bbq will be held on saturday, july 9th, commencing around 2 pm.
location is our home in weston super mare.
as usual, the day will be very boozy and proceedings will conclude in the waverley pub.
I am getting ready.... a little anxious about landing in London and taking the coach to Bristol.... But quite excited to be in GB again and meeting EMan, Joy, LT, Simon (?), Sirona, etc, etc, etc...
Do you know that the Pound is twice the price of the Dollar ! ?
Apostafest T Shirt Slogans.
by Englishman inthe first time that i met simon, he was wearing a t-shirt emblazoned with the word "apostate".
it was all spelt out in evil-type letters, in fact it looked suitably demonic.. when i encountered him at another 'fest, his t-shirt slogan simply read: "no!
i will not fix your computer!"..
I crossed mountains, rivers and oceans,
just to meet EMan and the Apostates' gang....
Whose famous autograph do you have in your possession...
by TresHappy inme...shirley temple black...
John Philpin
.: CAUTION :. This picture is rough to look at .: CAUTION :.
by PrintThis0103 inhttp://www.thepassionofthechrist.com/images/passionhome.jpg.
Jesus Christ was born in Israel supernaturally to a virgin Jewish woman named Mary and lived a sinless life for thirty-three years.
If you believe in fairy tales.....
It doesn't matter how old you are or how many bad things that you have done in your life including lying and stealing all the way up to murder. Just pray the prayer below with your mouth and mean it from your heart and God will hear you and save you.
Right, go ahead, lie, steal, kill, abuse and molest, as long as you say this prayer, you'll be fine.... you're then even better than a person who has never stolen, killed, abused and molested and lived an exemplary life helping others, but who hasn't said this prayer....
This means that if you die without trusting in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour you will die in your sins and be forever separated from the love of God in a place called Hell.
So, what about all these honest, decent people who help and love their neighbors as much as they can, but don't believe in the bible or Jesus or God for that matter.... Are they sinful anyway, just because they haven't said this prayer ?
.....Beware Of Cults .....
Yes, Beware of Cults, so-called Born again Christians are also in a Cult....
2005 Barbecue Is Definitely On!
by Englishman insaturday seems to be much preferred over sunday, so this years bbq will be held on saturday, july 9th, commencing around 2 pm.
location is our home in weston super mare.
as usual, the day will be very boozy and proceedings will conclude in the waverley pub.
...Dance of the Flaming Assholes...
I googled that.... couldn't find any good explanation.... What is awaiting us in Weston, good Gracious !
Cook at home or eat out?
by greendawn indo you know how to cook, even just a few simple recipes, or do you hate the idea of home cooking and prefer to always rely on restaurants and take aways, or just prepare easy snacks like sandwiches and melted cheese on toast?
Jeannibeanz says :
A pan of lasagne will cost upwards of $23.00 for the ingredients.
Really ? Where do you go grocery shopping ?
Let's see :
a box of lasagne pasta, $1.50
2 Cans of tomato sauce, $2.00
1 bag of cheese, $2.00
Some ground beef, $3.00
Under $10.00 and that will feed at least 4 people....
Flat Stanley is off traveling again!
by Princess inok, i promised an update on stanley today.
we found him over the weekend.
seems he was getting cozy with aude in california.
Flat Stanley doesn't have much more time to travel, school will be out very soon.
Will you post a list of all the places he's been to ?
30 years ago TODAY - 7-June-1975
by BrendaCloutier ini got married to my jw husband.
my own personal armageddon began.
this i call the second biggest regret of my life.
Wow, Brenda, what a great story ! Congratulations on getting out of that marriage...
This I call the second biggest regret of my life. The first being pulled out of high school after my sophomore year in 1973 to go into the ministry work and do as much as I could before the Big A. I hated trying to pioneer.
Curious about something here.... I presume it was your parents telling you to pioneer instead of finishing High School... all because of Armageddon coming in 1975... What was their reaction after 1975 came and went and nothing had happened ? What do they say about that prediction now ?
Undying Love
by AlanF inthe following from the national lampoon was particularly funny ( http://www.nationallampoon.com/modstyles/wwwaste/loveletter/loveletter.asp ):.
oh, my love.. how shall i show my love to thee?
let me compare thee to a summer's day.. and let also x represent [winter day] on this horizontal axis, and, my love, let y represent [summer day].. truly, were my summer's day comparison axis given values of the numbers one through ten, thy countenance would rank at least an eight and a half on said chart, as illustrated above.
That's the best pick-up line I've ever heard....