You are back ! Welcome home Andrew, to a cold and snowy NorthEast !
Posts by Celia
by alreadygone inhe's home!!!!!!
for those of you that didn't know, troucul was deployed to iraq for the last year.
Hi ~ new here...
by Riverwatcher ini'm so happy to have found this site.
i'm not a j/w, but my son is.
several years ago, he became involved with a j/w, although she was being shunned at the time.
Click on Active Topics at the top of the page, under "Options", if there are recent answers to your post, it should be on the first page that appears, if not go back one page or two....
we have the truth there is no doubt
by PMJ injehovahs wittnesses have the truth there is no doubt about i.people can say what they like ut there is no other group of people who bring glory to jehovah
Well, time to celebrate the New Year....
Happy New Year to you PMJ, and everybody reading this thread.
we have the truth there is no doubt
by PMJ injehovahs wittnesses have the truth there is no doubt about i.people can say what they like ut there is no other group of people who bring glory to jehovah
Wow, the spelling is getting worse and worse.... Where did you learn to read and write, I wonder ? Perhaps you're only 12 y.o. and were home-schooled or go to a really bad public school.... Do something about it, hard to get a good job without these skills !
we have the truth there is no doubt
by PMJ injehovahs wittnesses have the truth there is no doubt about i.people can say what they like ut there is no other group of people who bring glory to jehovah
tell me people who left the jw s did they realy ever have a realship with jah?
Why do all JW apologists say the same things....
tell me, people who have left the JWs, did they really ever have a relationship with Jah ?
Leaving a sect, leaving the man-made organization, doesn't equal leaving God....
Your spelling needs some improvement. After reading all these Watchtowers and Awakes! your spelling should be perfect!
Happy Birthday IronGland !
What were your best moments and souvenirs of 2005?
by JH infor me, 2005 was a great year.
i travelled a good distance to meet wonderful people last july at an apostofest (thank-you mumsy and gary) .
i met a wonderful person here on jwd, and she became a great friend (that's you buttlight) .
Trip to Europe in July with my teenage son. Meeting EMan, Simon, Little Toe, Joy and Steve and all the gang in Weston-super-Mare.Visiting my family in France, friends in Germany and spending 4 glorious days in Paris.
Working again almost full time after years of staying home.
What Subjects Get You All Riled Up???
by minimus inon this board, 2 things seem to get to people-----politics and child abuse......does anything get you upset or passionate.
George W. B U S H
How to keep dubs from knocking on your door
by MsMcDucket in.
click on the picture to enlarge it.
Very famous picture..... It' s been the subject of threads many times.... Still, good one .
Brand New Blood Card
by PoppyR inhubby has just come back from the service meeting where they have been handed out brand new style blood cards, now called 'advance decision to refuse specified medical treatment' .
it's quite a bit different.
and has the line on it about giving permission to the hospital liason committee to see your notes and medical records.. very scary stuff i think, and i certainly wont be filling one in.. i'm really short of time tonight, but will scan it in, along with the notes that go with it and try and post it some time over the next day or so if someone else doesn't beat me to it!.
Jeanniebeanz, I loved your response :
Why don't they just print, "I acknowledge that I have no rights as a human being in the eyes of this cult, and since I have absolutely no brain, I am turning my body, mind and soul over to these vultures to do with as they see fit."
But, seriously, would the Liaison Committee be allowed to view personal medical reports ? I mean, would the hospital staff give it to them ?