"I knew a girl named nikki
I guess you could say she was a sex fiend
I met her in a hotel lobby
Masturbating with a magazine"
They just dont write kingdom melodies like that anymore do they.
despite the purlple ones' religious persuasion, at this time, whats your favorite song and / or album?
i'll start.
the album purple rain is my favourite, one of my favourite songs, however is " i could never take the place of your man "
"I knew a girl named nikki
I guess you could say she was a sex fiend
I met her in a hotel lobby
Masturbating with a magazine"
They just dont write kingdom melodies like that anymore do they.
i guess my new-found freedom of personal expression is working its way down to my kids.. i came home from a crazy day at work, ate my dinner, was loading the dishwasher, when my 13-year-old son says, .
"mom, i have something to tell you - i'm bisexual...i've been that way for a year now.
i still can't help but have my old jw brain at work, thinking this is not okay - kind of like, i'm an apostate with a bisexual son...what will my family say?!
This is all getting very heavy.
Now I would just give him a clip round the ear 'ole and tell him "i'll tell you when you are bi-sexual you cheeky little runt".
Job done, he'll be fine!
(Katie secretly agrees with other posters -- you sound like a fab mum, hope my kid can talk to me when she grows up)
i was reading the recent posts on 2034 and was wondering... .
the 1975 debacle left the fds scrambling for explanations for the mass exodus of r&f who were disillusioned by their bs.
the pat answer has always been, "those people didn't keep pace with god's chariot" and they weren't "strong in the truth" and allowed something so "minor" to "stumble" them.
Thanks for the stats Leoleia and Blondie. You guys really know your stuff. Very impressive.
The society live off the back of people not really knowing about all that 'historical' 1975 stuff. Its easy to dismiss with a barely credible argument, if you never lived through it.
we now know that the new system of things as imagined by the jws is a myth, a poison that's meant to seduce the unaware into the org so that they can then be controlled, abused, and exploited.
but during the time when you were taken in by the myth what sort of things were you imagining about this delightful new world and your participation in it?
or perhaps deep down you never really believed it and ignored it.
I used to imagine being able to go into all the dead peoples houses and look through their drawers. I didnt want to pinch anything - just look. I was worried about all the cleaning up, I wasnt sure if there'd be enough crows to eat all the dead bodies.
I used to feel smug about all the fat greedy worldly witnesses, cos they would have to become subsistence farmers, and vegetarians (cos I aint gonna kill no cow, are you?) and they'd have to give up their car and they wouldnt be richer than me anymore.
I also used to worry about economics, because even without a monetary system I figured we'd have to have some kind of exchange system. So one guys a farmer, ones a builder, one makes furniture. We've all got to share, but how do we make it fair? How many carrots equals a chair, how many eggs equals having your roof slated? You couldnt really give it away for nothing, because what if you were a farmer and everyone wanted carrots but no-one wanted anymore chairs. Does the chair guy get a free ride for the rest of his life?
So i ended up thinking there would still be people better off than others because there would be people with better skills and skills more in demand than others.
Also the thought of the elders being 'princes' made me feel ill. I believed it all, I just wasnt sure if I wanted to be there. But I thought what else has god got to offer if I dont want paradise?
i'm writing an essay on "a personal exprience with religious fanaticism" (i'll post it here when i'm done, although it is intended for a non jw audience).
this has led me to doing a lot of research and i was really struck by something last night.
no matter what the subject the watchtower has to have a single right answer.
Totally agree Jeff. It struck me for a long time that they had to have an answer for everything (thinking of the revelation book, and all that coblers about horses with yellow vests on supposed to being the literature - stinging people with its truths)
Also if there was really no explanation, they stayed right off topic.
i found a best book for asking question to jw.
i this is a best book and every one must read this.
it will give you some questions and reasoning by which you can fight with jw.
Damn, this is like a librarian prick tease. Im literally GAGGING for this book... Just show me the first page, I promise no tongues, just the first page...please hunny...
i have been reading over the forum today and something hit me.
because i don't look up everyone's histories, there are people i assumed were either male or female--partly based on their avatar and partly based on the type of comments they make.
well guess what folks--i was shocked to find out i was wrong about a few people.. does anyone else out there decide that certain posters are male or female, and then find out they're wrong?
Yup, I thought Greendawn was a laydee too.
I thought she was a Laydee who did Laydees things.
in the 1939 book "salvation" it is said that the holy spirit was taken away in 1918. i find many refernces to the holy spirit in current wts literature.
the answer should be known to all jw's.
Maybe it sinned against itself? And we all know that masturbation is sinning against oneself.
i get the impression that generally the rank and file jws are to be thought of as victims whereas the governing body are the real and only villains in this organisation.
do you think this is a valid opinion especially when it comes to the elders and circuit/district overseers who willingly enforce the gb's often criminal policies?
Three of us with the hitler analogy. Its very close isnt it? Lots of cowards, lots of culpable people, none of it could have happened without the sheer numbers of people all co-operating, but very hard to pin anything on any individual.
alright i'm being sarcastic.... let me tell you why i said that.
i had to preach this saturday, i do not want to talk with nobody, but i do not had any excuse not to, so i talked in this house and the girl ask me to bring her the magazines because she love to read it.. i laughed later thinking that in another time i would think it was god sending me a "sheep", someone with study the bible.
tata I still frequently have dreams like this - I am meeting for field service and im trying to tell my mum and dad I dont believe it anymore and dont want to go out, but they tell me I have to. I get out on the service, and i am actually knocking a door and thinking to myself 'how can i do this, I dont believe it'.
The last dream I had like this I said to my dad 'you cant make me do this anymore, im 18' then I thought (still in my dream) OMG im 35 - where the hell did my life go?