A pubic reproof - that great! Im going to use that from now on, thanks.
I worked in a private school once, and some boarding boys were talking about their 'bush', and one boy whined "its not my fault I havent got any punic hair". Bless.
i understand that constantine the great banned them because they were eaten at pagan festivals.. in view of the pagan connection,should jws eat sausages?
A pubic reproof - that great! Im going to use that from now on, thanks.
I worked in a private school once, and some boarding boys were talking about their 'bush', and one boy whined "its not my fault I havent got any punic hair". Bless.
i mean seriously, since im not a jw perhaps id have a different opinion about it all.
but a colleague from work says she dont want to come here as she got addicted to it and couldnt get anything else done.
she apparently knows of similar other cases.
I have made 33 post(s) in the last 1 day(s) out of my limit of 75....
i understand that constantine the great banned them because they were eaten at pagan festivals.. in view of the pagan connection,should jws eat sausages?
I was in bondage to sin and death. I had reached the end, I had no hope and no future. One day when I was at my wits end I fell to my knees and prayed to Dog (HotDog) Please HD if you are up there just send me a sign. Imagine my utter surprise when I heard a knock at the door, there stood two Jehovahs Sausages.
They showed me a couple of scriptures including "man cannot live by sausage alone, but from every utterance that comes forth from Dewhursts the Butchers". My life turned round. I renounced other reconstituted meat products, the skins fell from my eyes and my heart and other offal organs were opened up to the truth. I no longer fear the future for I know I am getting food at the proper time guaranteed at least 39% pork content, from the Faithful and Discreet Snorker.
number 3 son, ben, finished his 3 years at cardiff university today.
to celebrate, he earlier went out with his pals, got well and truly sozzled in several pubs and indulged in the highly dangerous pastime of partaking in a few psycho tequilas!
so how do you imbibe psycho tequilas?
OHMYGOD, that is INSANE! you're not going to make us do that at the apostofest are you? Cos im really sensible now and I only do things that OLD people do like smoke weed.
All respect to baby englishman for finishing his degree course. I hope hes lives long and prospers (so he can contribute to our pensions!)
i understand that constantine the great banned them because they were eaten at pagan festivals.. in view of the pagan connection,should jws eat sausages?
If you have read my thread about Uncle Malcolm you will know that bad things happen to good people when sausages are involved.
who hasn't seen the infamous black and white film footage from 1940 of the tacoma narrows bridge waving and twisting before finally collapsing into the water?
last night on the history channel they were examining an airplane crash from the 1950's and telling about how the engineers determined that there was an aerodynamic anomaly for the crash called "flutter" and that these principles of flutter were also in affect when the tacoma narrows bridge collapsed.. i thought back to when i was a child and saw this famous footage on "you asked for it" and my grandmother had us switch the channel because it was demons that were making the bridge twist like that.
i believed it for a while and was scared to death whenever that footage was replayed on tv.
We were always told not to buy things from car boot sales because items might be demonised. I think a sister thought she had a demonised collander once.
I used to be frightened of leaving the troof because I thought the only way to protect yourself from demon attack was by being a dub. Its only since i left i realise the dubs are just obsessed with the bad ghosty fellas, and probably all that talking about it is more of an invitiation to the party than just ignoring them alltogether. So personally I think the only people who are demonised are dubs because they are always talking about it.
i recently gave a public talk, and i really felt bad about it.. it was the public talk about the great flood of noahs days.
the is so much evidence that this great deluge never happened, but that is something you can't tell the audience from the stage.
(i will tell about that evidence if people are interested, but it is a bit off-topic now).
hear hear GBL, that is so true. I lived through 1975, I was young but at least I was aware of it. For all the people that have come in since they havent got a clue how much the doctrines have changed.
I remember praying for the brothers in Malawi every night when my dad put me to bed, and reading the most horifying torture stories in the Kingdom Ministry and the magazines and the year book - when you find out it was all about a poxy card that brothers in Mexico were allowed to get at the same time as brothers in Malawi were dying for not being allowed to get - AND THE SOCIETY KNEW DAMN WELL ABOUT BOTH SITUATIONS and glossed it over - that is pure evil man. I had nightmares for years just reading those accounts of torture, but those poor african brothers went to the grave for it.
The society has the blood of the fu*king holy ones on its hands in my opinion. Cos those dead african brothers were 1000 times holier than any shit scum that lived it up big and passed out rules from HQ.
re: tom cruise & katie holmes
among the first steps of cult indoctrination is the severing of ties to family and friends, all of whom will be labeled by the cult as "bad associaton" and supposedly detrimental to the recruit's .
Guys theres no need to worry about me an' Tom. Im gonna kick his sorry religious short ass outta here just as soon as I get my film done. Me an Nicole are gonna go on holiday and discuss the size of his manhood.
Oh OH, you didnt mean me...
since i have so many brits and uk types in one place, i was wondering if you all could classify or tell me the names of the different british accents.
i think most in the states could be grouped by region and then each region divided into regular folks and folks with cash.
for instance in thestates, you basically have north east which is can be characterized by your classic new york or boston accents.
Mines a modified yorkshire accent. Where I live they speak much slower, like they are a bit dim, but its nice. They say 'mind' at the end of every sentence (pronounced 'moind') as in a shop - 'that'll be three pound fifty moind'.
I love accents - my favourite is the Geordie accent, and a Scottish accent (Edinburgh, not Glasgow, im afraid). I love a good irish brogue (Dublin not Belfast), and I rather like the liverpewl accent.
I really dont like my own yorkshire accent, I like the Manchester one better, dont like a brummie accent at all, or a Welsh one. Sorry if I have offended anyone.
i just can't believe it!
after sending the elders a letter (see http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/91796/1.ashx) we get a letter from elder s. that he understands that families are busy, can't be reached for short notice meetings, yada yada yada.
so they are setting another meeting for june 12. .
god Chrissie, how patronising of them. What its like to be a woman in the troof - they cant even be bothered to take you seriously, they treat you indulgently like a slightly naughty but cute kid.
Id rather be kicked out like an adult, that have that 'hand on my back, dont be silly dear' crap.