Hello Peeps - Crumpy the BBC coverage was crap because basically the music was indeed crap, and given that the Beeb have to condense the festival what you saw was condensed crap!
The best bit about the festival doesnt hold up well for broadcast - the stand up poets, the all day long comedy, the wandering performance artists, the Fields of Lost Vagueness (I think...) the Healing Fields, the tipi field, the stone circle, three dance tents, ...
Best bands this year according to me were White Stripes, and Killer. Keane was rubbish, I just dont like his music (except that ONE song), Garbage were OK, Ian Brown is brill, but I have seen better from him, Chas N Dave (nuff said).
But I dont really go for the music, its everything else that makes it. Like the man who carried my bags to my car for me, or the woman we gave a round of applause to when she (finally) came out of the portaloo, or the woman who wanted to give me a ciggie cos I lent her my lighter, listening to Howard Marks giving a very funny lecture on how to smuggles drugs through Heathrow Airport, watching Chris Moyles broadcast live on Radio 1, discovering Pear Cider. Rediscovering Pear Cider. Just making sure the Pear Cider was as good as it seemed to be 20 minutes ago.
Im knackered today at school. And I have a big red nose.