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JoinedPosts by katiekitten
Another question for atheists, spirituality
by IP_SEC ini'm not talking about deeminz and gawds, or the supernatural here, just the state of being spiritual.
what accounts for it in the evolutionary model?
muchos gracias amigos.
I get a good feeling when I see people doing nice things for each other - random acts of kindness.
I wouldnt call it spiritual, but its great when your faith in humanity is restored.
Breaking News--Better things are happening
by JohnHag ingood news friends-you can all go back now- the watchtower has dfd all on the governing body that was with the un for those 10 years-----also 678 of the annointed have been dfd for not seing this stupid mistake- also from now on you will not have to turn time in each month- this will mean one will witness out of love instead of pleasing the elder in charge of the time slips- also beginning in sept the watchtower will only be printed once a month- there will be 5 spiritual food lessons in the seetower this will give us all we need for a month--also in order to get the work done we have also cut the awake down to once a month--this will free up the brothers to take care of their properties like those in the world do-and also when a child has been touched or abused he must call 911 right away--this will keep the congreation much cleaner- also for those 3 day hot sunny assemblies that also has been cut to one day- mothers can bring strollers- because the people who made strollers made them for a reason--also no more meetings at the friends home for a book study--they need their home like everybody else does--and also starting in october there will only be one meeting a week--we can all get enough of spiritual food out of that one day--and also if one wants to celebrate christmas that will be on his or her conscience- they are not to be looked down upon---also if one is in need of a blood transfusion that person has that right- it is no bodys business--also elders are no longer allowed to walk around like roosters as if they are the cock of the flock- the elders no longer will walk around before a meeting shuffling a lot of paper like they do at the pentagon---yes friends things are looking better--it feels so good to have seen the light--well we always told you the light was getting brighter--now you know what we meant---and to all those older ones who loved country music like hank williams- merle haggard-conway twitty -johnny cash--etc--you may now buy their cds and it wont be considered idioltary anymore-you can also now buy a 2 door car and no one will say you are not theocratic- they will be dfd if they say anything--mothers that have young children may not touch that child--you can now go home early if the child acts up-also ray franz is coming back to be our leader- we owe that brother so much--i only hope we can make it up to him before armageddon--we can now say good morning to others going to church on sundays- after all they are human like us-we also have appointed a elder to answer all your doubts- you now have the right to ask anything that worries you or anything yo have doubts about--it will be noones businss about your doubts--so stay tuned flock--better things are coming--
Know what, I wouldnt go back even if all that stuff WAS true, because theres no mention of being able to shag the I.T. bloke at work, and if I cant do that, then im sorry, im not playing.
I'm a newbie...
by hopetofade inhey everyone!
another wisconsin newbie here.
been lurking for a while, been doubting for a very long time.
Welcome HTF, you are in a difficult position, having to participate in something you are not convinced about - so all respect to you. I hope this site keeps you sane in your time of fading.
Plus you are of great value because you can tell us whats happening on the inside now and again!
Just curious
by pratt1 in.
since this is the 4th of july weekend, do any of you display the american flag in or around you home?.
i have to admit, although i have been faded for many years, i find it difficult to even own anything with the american flag symbol.
I wont be putting up my american flag, but I do have Kerry bumper stickers on my car! My evil step mom (that mum for us British posters who know how to spell) sent me them in the post.
by tijkmo inyesterday i was filling in an application for a college course bursary and it asked for 2 people who could vouch for me...only 1 to be a family member....so i use my sister.
but i dont have anyone else... today i apply for a temporary job paying minimum wage...and i have to provide a c.v....... which should include references...and i dont have anyone i can ask.
how sad is that.
Katie goes all soppy - Im so touched by the help and concern of people on this site. Ive never felt so close to people ive never met before
I placed seven books should I report??????
by imfreeimfree inbearing in mind i do not attend meetings, and theyve stopped calling to get the "report" i will not be able to give them the good news.
what a shame.
is there somewhere else i can report?.
S8!!! Good one my little green chum.
I was always really impressed with brothers who knew the code names for kingdom forms!! I thought it meant they were more spiritual.
Now I know it just meant they were wannabe civil servants.
Local Needs - Apostate Warning!!
by hopetofade inhad a very interesting local needs part last nite - warning against apostate activity in our area, as well as the dangers of the internet.
the elder giving the talk discussed how he googled "watchtower" and a whole boatload of sites came up, such as silent lambs, etc.
"we need to stay away from these.
THey should do the same thing they do with sex talks - describe in graphic detail all the things you are not allowed to do. THe talk would go something like this:
And so brothers you should NEVER visit www.jehovahs-witness.com - thats 'witness' not witnesses. Neither should you visit silentlambs, or read Crisis of Conscience written by Raymond Franz IBSN no. 1264227648654 which can be purchased from all good book shops for £12.99
Anyway what was he doing googling apostate sites? Is he somehow immune from corruption unlike the rest of the congregation, who need warning. Does he check out porn too to make sure its bad for everyone? Does he shag his neighbours wife to prove that bad consequences proceed from adultery? What an arse.
Any "Miraculous" experience happen to you like the ones said at Conventions
by soundbox_guy ini had to sit through those experiences at the convention, i was wondering, did any of you used to be one of those people on stage giving an experience about how something miraculously happened like getting the exact amount of money you needed to pay your rent on the day it was due?
i always hear the stories, but can anybody actually tell me something like this has happened to them when they were a good little witness?
and if it has, did these sort of "events" stop taking place after you left?
A woman on the doors once said she had been praying for some screws (as in metal threaded implements to join two pieces of wood together) and LO! when she looked in her dead husbands shed there were six shiny screws among all the rusty ones. And GUESS WHAT?? She needed EXACTLY six to finish her job. Well she said it was god, but I knew it couldnt have been because I was a Jehobas Wishness, and she wasnt. So I dunno who was helping her.
Also a pioneer in our cong was praying once for a chip pan (as in metal home frying implement) and LO! when she went to the charity shop she found one for 50p. Now that MUST have been Jehoba because she was a poineer.
And ALSO another pioneer was praying for a job and LO - when she looked for a job later on GUESS WHAT?? She found one. I know, its almost too unbelievable to be true!
Well I thought god was spending all day sourcing screws and chip pans and jobs for holy ones when I was a dub, but now im thinking - who are these people that pray for screws and chip pans? Its not in the Lords Prayer is it? Give us this day our randomly required household implements as and when we see fit to request them. And give them to us immediately so we can relate these improbable stories to other people just to irritate them.
And also im thinking - if you are going to pray for a job, and then go out and look for one arent you showing a terrible lack of faith in gods ability to provide a job for you? What, you have so little trust in the prayer that you think you will sneak out and look for one yourself just in case the omnipotent and omnipresent one cant find one? I think that is distorting the system.
Also, being a mathematician now, I believe in random events, and coincidence.
by tijkmo inyesterday i was filling in an application for a college course bursary and it asked for 2 people who could vouch for me...only 1 to be a family member....so i use my sister.
but i dont have anyone else... today i apply for a temporary job paying minimum wage...and i have to provide a c.v....... which should include references...and i dont have anyone i can ask.
how sad is that.
That sucks. I feel for you. I had the same thing right after I got sacked by my pioneer employer that I window cleaned with! (cos he wanted a less sexy girlfriend that didnt give him wet dreams and a guilty conscience - gotta be the only reason!!!)
Could I help you? How long have I known you on a professional basis? Must be four or five years now, right? PM me if I can be useful.