Hi Teacup, your always welcome to share your problems here and suprising the community will rally to things that trouble you. Depression sucks, nobody but you knows how dark the mind takes us through life and nobody but you knows how to respond to all things troubling you.
People who don't outwardly admit they are depressed or maybe their not are often mentally blunt! They can't imagine the world does not revolve around them and say stupid stuff due to their uneducated brains or lack of compassion.
My favorite line is when someone said to my friend who lost her twins in a car wreck, "I know how you feel, I lost my dog a month ago! How in the Hell did that statement make it past her brain that's suppose to filter shit you say and shit that's best left to keep to yourself! I don't know the depression you suffer, I deal with my own like so many of our friends here. The best thing you can do so often is keep yourself from giving up because there are many people who know your worth. Don't allow her senseless mouth to affect you, it's easier said that done, right? I am trying to learn to harden my heart from family that have nothing good to say because their holy JWs who have not experienced evil or Karma they sewed so plentiful in our World! I