Posts by zagor
The music that moves you....
by FlyingHighNow inonce when i was profoundly sad for too many days, my brother in law sent us a mix tape.
he named each song after a person in our family.
this is the one he named heather.
i am a regular pioneer in my cong reading crisis of goes...
by MsGrowingGirl20 ini'm on page 90 right now...the info is definitely new and gives me a totally diff view as to how i used to think of faithful and discreet slave.
i was thoroughly disgusted with the way the brothers handled the oral sex and leadership problem and the insight on the scriptures book...... still have alot of questions though.
you many want to see this too, a bit old but just as good
Higher Education ... Thoughts, Tips, Money-saving Ideas
by RubaDub inwhile i have a bachelors and advanced degree from a very well-respected university, it makes me cringe when i see what people spend (or think they need to spend) to get a college degree.
having taken a few non-traditional steps to get my education, here's a few thoughts and ideas to think about if your kids are getting to be college age or if you (like many jw's) are thinking about going to college later in life:.
1. community colleges are a bargain!.
Whatever you decide to persue do it because its your passion. If you have passion for something you will succeed no matter what. If you study just because of money, you may get there but will you like what you'll see once you're there? Don't make decisions based on temporary market conditions, they will always change. Truth is alway the same regardless of the conditions, if you are passionate about something you will make it big, which naturally translate into money sooner or later. Life is bigger than the bottomline.
Post Songs of Rebellion, Change, Peace & Love - You-tubes Welcome !
by flipper in.
Study proves 95% of people really are sheeple
by sizemik in95% of people that read this will place themselves in the 5% .
.. but this is an epidemic that needs a cure .
.. study proves 95% of people really are sheeple.
That is probably true. Last few days I've been following the whole "UFO phenomenon" on youtube not because of green aliens but to study people's reactions. Funny thing is most of "believers" never saw anything themselves that can be construed as "out of this world", they all fall for a video with pretty lights in the sky. Its like a mass hypnosis of sorts. In fact, even when you present clear evidence against they will find a way around it just so that they can keep on living in their little imagined universe. Is it any wonder that so many endure years of hardship in abusive religions etc, just for a faint hope that one day it will all come alright. Go figure.
Thanks for the post, very good.
I'm in a pretty dark place...
by OneDayillBeFree ini know many of you have felt this way but it still hurts.. i was doing fine, great actually but then all of the sudden a huge wave of pain hit my body out of the blue.
man its so hard living this life, always pretending, except when you're alone.
i feel like its eating me from the inside.. so many times i want to just give up, on both sides.
Sometimes I feel like life isn't going to get any better anymore
It does get better my friend. No exit is easy, and then some time after that while you relearn how to live again, and most importantly to have fun while you doing it.
Eventually pressure will stop. You will enjoy what you do and won't be taking yourself seriously anymore. Don't give up, life is precious precisely because no moment can be brought back. Once a chance is going it is gone forever. So don't waste your moments on something that doesn't bring you joy. Hang around people who you wouldn't mind having for your neigbours for the rest of your life. Why spend time with people who cause all this pain. -
How would SOPA affect us?
by Aussie Oz ini note a lot of recent news about sopa and both sides of the story.. i hope this will not turn into a debate about it or its legalities or the constitution, it's about the effect of it itself.. mixed in no doubt is a large amount of speculation from both sides as to how it will or will not work and the 'freedoms' under threat.
i beleive the concept of protecting intelectual property etc is fine, as i want the same protection for my artwork etc, but i gather this bill may go to far as it were.... many feel it will adversely effect the internet in as diverse ways as making sites shut down either by force in in self protection such as etsy, flickr, utube, wikipedia and social networking sites.. is it all being blown out of proportion?.
do we as an online community very used to posting, cut n paste, links etc face the risk of simon having to pull the pin?.
Basically, wtbs will be able to sue you for every article you quote on a website for which they haven't given their permission...
As far as industry is concern, many forget that Silicon Valley would never have existed if this thing was in place over last few decades. There is not a single company there that hasn't benefited from someone else's idea.
SMART phones: I got my first iPhone
by Terry infor my birthday, my daughter (who works for apple) got me an iphone.. yes, i was using an old motorola flip-phone until a geriatric captain kirk.. and i wondered why people had been giving me those strange looks before.... .
anyway, imagine my reaction to the mammoth technology contained in an iphone.. talk about a miracle, this qualifies.. i'm particularly impressed by the onboard gps.
i can type in a destination and the phone already knows exactly where i am and will plot a destination map onscreen.
IPhone is good, probably one of the best, except for Blackberry of course, but Apple's controlling and micromanagement style reminds me of watchtower.
I think I like more free spirited Android world that allows people to grow instead of assuming everyone is dumb.
Having said that, Siri is impressive.
Are we stupid or what ? / GOD doesn`t have to destroy 99% of the human race to rid the earth of wickedness to rid the world of wickedness
by smiddy inwe are talking about the god of the christian bible right wether he be called jehovah,yahweh,lord,the eternal,or whatever ,hang on make that the god of the jews,as well as the god of islam,because they are all interconnected aren`t they ?anyway to get back to topic,god is all powerfull,all knowing,the creator who through his will all things were created..full stop..if it/he /she manifested itself today in the present world situation,religously,politically,nationalistically,he wouldnt have to slaughter people by the millions,all he would have to do is nullify the armanents all nations have,say to them,with the moneys saved spend it on helping your brothers in the world to provide food clothing and shelter for those in need ,disband national boundaries,emphasising we are all one human race,that we need to care for one another,and that is our obligation to each other.
come clean on which religion if any should be worthy of our attention.
if he is god almighty he has the power to enforce his will,only individuals who are obstinate would need to die out in due time.. their is no need for mass slaughter on the scale as depicted in revelation and elsewhere in the bible,.
no he only needs to get rid of religion, if he is out there that is
The music that moves you....
by FlyingHighNow inonce when i was profoundly sad for too many days, my brother in law sent us a mix tape.
he named each song after a person in our family.
this is the one he named heather.
That's a nice piece FlyingHighNow.
For me personally I don't think there is one genre. It really depends on a mood I'm in, but one style that stuck with me over years ever since I was first introduced to it would be Classical Crossover. Its both funky and deep, love it.
Basically likes of
Vanessa Mae
2Cellos - Sulic and Hauser
David Garrett
Josh Vietti
Lindsey Stirling
Maksim Mrvicahere are just a few