To start off, you have still failed to show where I have judged Forscher. I have asked him a perfectly legitimate question, and I stated that it is not very christian to judge other people and call them murderers. There is nothing judgmental in anything I wrote in my initial post just a healthy dose of sarcasm. If you can show me how I have judged Forscher then please do so. If I am the most judgemental person you have ever encountered then you must lead a very sheltered life.
As for your initial reply being an "analogy" please don’t make me laugh, if you wish to back down from the position you stated in that reply then please do so. Don’t try to make out that you were trying to prove a point since that makes you look ridiculous, especially since you have so far failed to make any point whatsoever (regarding my posts)
I assume by the way you have solid evidence that abortions are done primarily for trivial reasons or is that just what you are assuming because you have already decided that it is murder?
Of course I don`t have solid evidence for that
So you are pre-judging people when you have no evidence to base it on, since you have stated in other posts that sometimes abortion is ok I think your opinions are looking more illogical and tenuous than ever. Having anecdotal evidence (no matter how personal, my own experiences included btw) is not enough to base the law on. As Abaddon has so rightly pointed out you have to base law on facts and evidence. Any barrister who based their arguments on emotive argument would be quickly out of a job, an emotive argument can only be used to back up a point of law not the other way round.
I asked the question as to whether you believe people primarily have abortions for trivial reasons. If you don’t take that position then you are perhaps starting to understand that you have to assume that most people have to make that decision for themselves and that you or I cannot judge them for it. Perhaps some people do have abortions for the wrong reasons, I don’t know, but you cannot judge one person by the actions of another.
Pro-abortion? I have never met anybody who is pro-abortion or made the argument that you made so your I fail to see that any point is being made at all. You are trying to argue against a point that has been made by nobody but yourself. The whole point of the pro-choice argument (a very important distinction in the name that you have failed to grasp) is that you or I cannot choose for someone else, so nobody in the pro-choice camp is by default pro-abortion (whatever that actually means) no matter how much it would suit you to say that they are.
The conclusion you are inevitably heading towards is that you seem to think that you personally should have the choice to make life or death decisions for other people. You feel so morally superior to other people that you think only someone who thinks like you do should make the decision to kill or not kill a foetus. Of course if anybody else makes that decision (without you knowing why they made that decision) you automatically lable them a murderer. That is an extremely hypocritical position to take.
I have said that you are not entitled to judge someone (and lable them a murderer) who has decided to have an abortion unless you have made that decision yourself. You are entitled to have an opinion and I will happily fight to the death to protect your right to state your views and have the opinion you have, just not to judge people when you are not qualified to do so.
All your other arguments on the issue of your entitlement to an opinion are irrelevant since they are not based on a position that I take, they are based on your assumptions. I look forward to hearing in your reply that you were merely making a "point" and "using an analogy"
As to the position of men regarding the issue of abortion, again you have assumed that you know what my opinion is when I have offered no opinion on the subject. Personally I think that a man should take responsibility for his actions and be party to the decision but I would agree with Abaddons position that it isn’t for a man to dictate that decision to a woman but to provide support once a decision has been mutually reached.
Yes we are all in this together Hellrider, I am just thankful that I don’t live in a country where extremists dictate the law on abortion. I live in one where people (going through a traumatic, life changing decision) are treated with dignity and respect, not condescended and insulted as you would like them to be.
Perhaps in your world the terms pc and liberal are an insult, personally I wear them with pride.