The difference being that the car or the skis have a use and thus only caused an accident through misuse, the Uzi has only one purpose and that is what it was used for.
Posts by Caedes
9yr old girl kills her gun instructor with an uzi
by EndofMysteries in
"a 9-year-old girl learning to fire a submachine gun accidentally killed her instructor at a shooting range when the weapon recoiled over her shoulder, according to arizona authorities.
another reason to go against those arguing that young children should be taught how to use guns.
JDubs and home schooling
by Ignoranceisbliss inrecently i had a conversation with a close witness friend.
i have always viewed him as moderate.
not full j-dub nut bag witness style.
I noticed on the infographic that most of the sources they quote are not exactly independent.
Look, other home schoolers say that homeschooling is the best and here are some right wingers who don't like public schooling.
I doubt that the real data is anything like that one sided.
Atheists and JWs are on the same footing!
by exWTslave inatheists believe that god should stop the large-scale injustice on earth; if he does'nt, then he does not exist.
jws believe that god will intervene sometime in the last days!.
interestingly, both throw themselves on their own expectation of soemthing god should or will do, yet in fact something god does not have to do.
Philosophy my ass. Isn't training in logic part of the curriculum in philosophy? Just because you bandy a few compliments about, it doesn't automatically follow that athiests are missing the serenity you attribute to us.
Always cutting straight to the point. Please let me doff my cap to you! Not that I have either a cap to doff or a handy martini!
The woo is strong in this one indeed.
You should meet Brother Smart Engineer
by garyneal inmy wife, who now thinks i am not competent enough to discuss spiritual matters with the kids, thinks that i could really benefit from discussing matters of the bible with this nasa engineer who attends meetings at her kingdom hall.
apparently, he is quite knowledgeable in the bible and has a good grasp of their doctrines.
at least according to her as i never actually spoken with the man at length but i do know that he is an elder.
I don't want to sound like I'm splitting hairs, but is an engineer a scientist? To my knowledge, engineers apply science but don't "do" science. They apply principles which they learn in school but they don't perform scientific studies to discover new information and test hypotheses.
Therefore, they are not trained to have the critical mindset of a scientist. This is why so many engineers are religious, because they don't have the same standards of evidence as scientists. They look at a natural object that is complex and works well, and assume it is designed because they do similar work themselves.
I am an engineer, partly the problem resides in the fact that engineer is not a protected title, anyone can call themselves an engineer. No doubt the guy who comes to fix your plumbing or heating will call themselves an engineer.
It also depends on what specialisation the engineer goes into, personally I work in research and development and so we are looking for new ways of doing things, we work with universities to test new ideas. Engineering is practical science so at it's best it does use the exact same mindset as a scientist. If I am designing something I want to see empirical evidence that it works, I want to find anything that proves me wrong and I have to have my peers look at my work critically to find flaws and mistakes.
I don't see design in natural objects, in fact the design work I do tells me that there are some examples of natural objects that you wouldn't design that way ever if you had a choice.
Whilst I have no doubt that some engineers are religious (particularly in an overly religious country) doesn't mean that we all are.
Simon, please update my profile picture!
by will-be-apostate ini've read on another thread you need to delete the cached file of the profile picture so that it can be updated by the gravatar user.
i created a gravatar account, added the email address i use on here and uploaded the an image, but nothing happens.
this was 3 days ago.. could you please solve this problem?.
A certain filthy, WTS-enabling, Spiritual-Pimp who recently attempted to derail my cult-busting activities is scheduled, this weekend, to have letters about him and his activities drop through the letterboxes of plenty of his neighbours next week. This being phase one.
Richard Dawkins defends mild pedophilia, says it does not cause lasting harm
by chrisuk in
Demolition, lol.
Is that why you couldnt answer a single one of my questions to you in that thread?
Is that why you had no answer when I called you on your vague threats? (proof of your cowardice)
Is that why you had no answer when I called your bluff on outing me? (proof that you are a liar)
Is that why you had to resort to insulting my mother and wife when you ran out of any sort of sensible argument.
Perhaps it was when you got found complaining about another poster posting unattributed quotes on another thread. (proof of your hypocrisy and that you are a knowing plagiarist)
I can't say I noticed you demolishing anything other than whatever reputation you had.
Oh and pot meet kettle, deranged stalker? you are the one trawling back through my posts to try and find something to complain about, and then threatening to post a photo of my family. What a hypocrite.
Have you managed to define what a 'spiritual rapist' is yet? Thought not.
I only annoy people with an overly inflated sense of their own importance. Mathematician, lawyer, MIT computer whizkid, yeah right.
Richard Dawkins defends mild pedophilia, says it does not cause lasting harm
by chrisuk in
Perhaps being shown up as a hypocrite, a liar, a plagiarist, a coward and intellectually dishonest was good for focus?
The Complete Scammer's Guide - by "Pastor" Russell (New Light!)
by Focus inmost of us are reasonably familiar with reports of scandalous goings-on of that old jellyfish lecher, the founder of the watchtower cult, the one and only charles taze russell.. but, are these stories true?.
this thread is going to be devoted to his allegedly scurrilous activities.
so, bookmark it, please, bro' focus is in possession of noo light, and we're going to explore russell like you've never seen him explored before.. we're approaching his 100th death anniversary, and for all i know this virtual exhumation may lead to a real one.
accused by YET another of some form of intellectual dishonesty
I see focus is winning friends on this thread too.
Shame, he couldn't answer any of my questions on the other thread either.
by poppers ini'm wondering what sort of biking shoes and pedals you are using.
i'm a road biker, so i enjoy speed and distance riding, and am upgrading my shoes and pedals.
anyone have experience with specialized road shoes with the boa stem?
I haven't tried the 105 pedals, I'm using shimano XT mtb pedals on my road bike. I was going to get proper road pedals but my local shop suggested using MTB ones instead. They are fantastic and you can walk in the shoes, well better than you can in proper road shoes with a road cleat. I have some specialized kit and it is good stuff, not tried those particular shoes though.
A precious gift to all from Jehovah (channelled via Focus)
by Focus insome souls here may feel i was a little harsh.
if so, i am deeply sorry.
i was abused by a handful right from the start, presumably on the basis of the avatar picture (and 2001 vintage).. when visiting dubland, i often find that others start fights with me - for whatever reason, and i provide quite a supply of them - and when it doesn't quite go the way they expected, they cry persecution.
Still fighting that strawman I see, still can't answer any questions either.
So you thought that if insulting my mother didn't get a rise out of me you would try the same tactic with my wife. As to the pickup comment, yeah, people meet online,welcome to the twenty-first century.
So a new wild assertion, care to back it up with some facts, evidence? No, didn't think so. (And you claimed I was a liar!)
Is that a vague threat at the end there? Keep it classy Focus.