Concrete thinkers however, which all JWs are, and some continue to be once they wake up, need to have defined bounderies for their beliefs. Concrete thinking is very childlike and does not give a person the balance that is required as an adult.
Having concrete beliefs about God, evolution and spirits is not essential for happiness. Having concrete views on these things can cause many to push their views on others using teqniques such as intellectual bullying. This is a childish and unhealthy way to communicate.
I should point out that I probably count as one of those 'concrete' thinkers to you. Personally I don't think it is 'concrete' to follow empirical evidence, if the evidence shows that I am wrong I am happy to adjust my view. I think it is far more 'concrete' to doggedly cling to a belief in the supernatural despite a complete lack of empirical evidence.
My main point regarding your quoted posts was the inconsistancy however, you claim that people who disagree with your worldview are 'concrete' thinkers and are thus childish and lack the skills to be an adult. Your next post you whine about intellectual bullying after a whole post in which you make an ad hominen attack on those who disagree with you. The reason it feels like intellectual bullying is because intellectually you know full well that believing things without empirical evidence is foolish.