Firstly please stop SHOUTING, it's rude.
Marry to express their LOVE for each other or to BENEFIT from the laws that married people have.
Why should they not get to do both?
If it were SOLELY to express their love for each other then why NOT just have a CIVIL ceremony WHY force the GAY AGENDA on the CHRISTIANS.....
There is no such thing as a 'gay agenda' it's just people standing up for their right to be treated the same as everyone else. Of course there is the small point the the christian agenda has been forced on people for the last thousand years or so. It's not fun when the shoe is on the other foot is it?
Christians did NOT set the standard YHVH did!
No, people did. Tell me do you wear clothes of mixed fibres? Do you eat shrimp or lobster? Stoned anyone recently? No? then you don't get to use the bible to dictate other peoples lifestyles because that would make you a hypocrite.
Whether one is gay or straight or just haven't got a clue, virgins, there is always something that we find in ours that is not acceptable/compatible to Him.
I assume you are referring to the fact that preachers are just as likely to be doing a bit of molestation on the side anyway?