I think you totally missed my point. At no stage do I endorse the thought that we should say what we like about minorities.
Well the three 'examples' you used in your OP are minorities, (Drag, Muslims and gay people) is there some other example that better represents the point you are trying to make? The other example you used, Pikeys, are also a minority.
Rather, people should grow up and stop being so easily offended...especially when it's financially beneficial for them. And will those do gooders stop being offended on behalf of those NOT offended.
Fortunately, you don't get to dictate how someone else feels about your choice of words, has nobody ever tried to tell you how you feel about something and got it wrong? The fact that some members of a minority aren't offended by something doesn't allow you to assume that an entire group of people feel exactly the same way.
I'm not sure what you mean about financial benefit, this seems to be a new point you are raising.
As I previously pointed out it isn't about offense.
As for evidence..............wow...............how much do you want?
You haven't produced any evidence so far so...
...no one can accuse me of being a bigot......my ethnicity and family is melting pot stuff.
You are the one complaining about feeling restricted in what you can say about minorities, so what do you want to call them?
I hope this clears that up.
Not really!