Posts by Caedes
Sick of the nanny state. Polictical correctness can kiss my donkey!
by punkofnice ini am sick of this bloody nanny state here in the uk.
political correcness has become a drag.
(am i allowed to say drag without offending someone?).
I think you cant be bothered to respond because you haven't actually got a point in the first place, and being offended about being called a twat after complaining about political correctness makes you a hypocrite to boot. -
Sick of the nanny state. Polictical correctness can kiss my donkey!
by punkofnice ini am sick of this bloody nanny state here in the uk.
political correcness has become a drag.
(am i allowed to say drag without offending someone?).
Caedes - so it seems you are comfortable with the fact that one bad remark cost this person his job.
He chose to resign from one honorary position, due to his sexist remarks at women's conference. He still has a job as I pointed out in my first post.
Do you not recognise that you are echoing the low-brow arguments of those two institutions - is this not allowed?!
So my comparison was entirely correct then?
Sick of the nanny state. Polictical correctness can kiss my donkey!
by punkofnice ini am sick of this bloody nanny state here in the uk.
political correcness has become a drag.
(am i allowed to say drag without offending someone?).
Whereas calling me young fella mi lad was of course not meant to be patronising, it sounds to me you don't like being offended, perhaps I should be more politically correct?
I must have missed the all the legislation and court cases over people singing baa baa black sheep! That is your example of 'persecution' wow!
Sick of the nanny state. Polictical correctness can kiss my donkey!
by punkofnice ini am sick of this bloody nanny state here in the uk.
political correcness has become a drag.
(am i allowed to say drag without offending someone?).
LUHE - I was a bit confused by the Sun reading UKIP comment. It kind of seemed odd that someone so concerned about the feelings of others resorted to that type of biggoted speech. Good that Caedes has freedom of the moment!
It's amusing that you object to the comparison since they both make exactly the same argument as you have made on this thread, it is hardly bigoted to point out the similarity.
Since I am part of the evil conspiracy trying to make this world a better place it makes sense that I am free to be as big a do-gooder as I wish to be. (You might want to have a think about using that as an insult, it doesn't mean what you think it means) I would suggest watching the following Mitchell and Webb video.
Sick of the nanny state. Polictical correctness can kiss my donkey!
by punkofnice ini am sick of this bloody nanny state here in the uk.
political correcness has become a drag.
(am i allowed to say drag without offending someone?).
Sir Tim Hunt resigned from an honorary position - he still lost his job over fairly harmless remarks. As I said, it could have been dealt with over a pot of coffee in about 5 mins. Are you comfortable with his resignation?
I take it you didn't actually read my previous response as I answered both of these points, you do realise that his remarks were directed at all women working in laboratories? Exactly how big is this pot of coffee?
The rest of this thread is 'The Sun/UKIP we want the good old days' nonsense - absolute b*ll*cks. Society has worked hard to eliminate the sexist, racist, homophobic language of the 70s, and rightly so. As punk said, you're somewhat missing the point. Verbal/racist/sexist/homophobic abuse is obviously wrong and should continue to be outlawed. I think what Punk is getting at is that ordinary people aren't allowed to politely express themselves and state views outside of the narrow band of liberal orthodoxy without some t*sspot screaming 'waaycist!'
What a well thought out response, congratulations, I can see why exams might give you problems. Perhaps you could give an example of whatever point you are trying to make because the OP only talked about minorities and you haven't given an actual example either.
Personally, I find that people who complain about being called racist are racists.
Considering the feelings of other members of society doesn't make you the PC gestapo, it makes you a nicer human being - a respected scientist was forced out of his job because of the delicate feelings of the professionally outraged. Congratulations.
I'm not sure why you are repeating yourself, again my previous post answered this point with actual verifiable facts.
P.S. I don't read The Sun and I don't support UKIP.
Do you not recognise that you are echoing the low-brow arguments of those two institutions, of whom you could genuinely say are actually guilty of professional outrage.
Sick of the nanny state. Polictical correctness can kiss my donkey!
by punkofnice ini am sick of this bloody nanny state here in the uk.
political correcness has become a drag.
(am i allowed to say drag without offending someone?).
I think you totally missed my point. At no stage do I endorse the thought that we should say what we like about minorities.
Well the three 'examples' you used in your OP are minorities, (Drag, Muslims and gay people) is there some other example that better represents the point you are trying to make? The other example you used, Pikeys, are also a minority.
Rather, people should grow up and stop being so easily offended...especially when it's financially beneficial for them. And will those do gooders stop being offended on behalf of those NOT offended.
Fortunately, you don't get to dictate how someone else feels about your choice of words, has nobody ever tried to tell you how you feel about something and got it wrong? The fact that some members of a minority aren't offended by something doesn't allow you to assume that an entire group of people feel exactly the same way.
I'm not sure what you mean about financial benefit, this seems to be a new point you are raising.
As I previously pointed out it isn't about offense.
As for much do you want?
You haven't produced any evidence so far so... one can accuse me of being a ethnicity and family is melting pot stuff.
You are the one complaining about feeling restricted in what you can say about minorities, so what do you want to call them?
I hope this clears that up.
Not really!
Sick of the nanny state. Polictical correctness can kiss my donkey!
by punkofnice ini am sick of this bloody nanny state here in the uk.
political correcness has become a drag.
(am i allowed to say drag without offending someone?).
I'd like to add that these PC do-gooders seem to have little sense of proportion and self-awareness. There was recently the case of that UCL professor sacked because of making a clumsy, sexist joke. Let that sink in: one of the country's leading academics has fallen foul of the PC gestapo and lost his job. In a sane world, this would have been sorted out with an apology and a handshake in 5 minutes.
Well just to put you right over the one actual verifiable story in this whole thread, Sir Tim Hunt resigned from an honorary position, he was not sacked. His scientific work continues. So this apology and handshake, would that be to every single person that he undermined with his thoughtless comments? Stem subjects have a difficult enough time attracting female students without well respected members of the scientific community trying to discourage them further. It was entirely right that the university accepted his resignation from his honorary post.
The rest of this thread is 'The Sun/UKIP we want the good old days' nonsense without one iota of evidence to suggest that people are really being persecuted for being offensive arseholes.
I remember how prevalent racist, sexist and homophobic language was in the seventies and anyone who thinks that sort of language doesn't affect the real feelings of the minorities involved (no matter how little vitriol is attached) obviously has never really tried to empathise with people who are on the outskirts of society.
Perhaps you should consider that society just doesn't want to hear the words you want to use about gays and muslims, it isn't that anyone is offended they just don't want to listen to you being a twat.
If the biggest thing you can find to rebel against is that you don't like not being able to say what you like about minorities then you aren't paying enough attention to the news. How about rebelling against MPs giving themselves an 11% pay rise whilst freezing other public sector worker's pay?
Considering the feelings of other members of society doesn't make you the PC gestapo, it makes you a nicer human being.
Theists, why does God allow suffering..
by The Quiet One in..specifically, the suffering of animals.
you can talk about free will/sin/people choosing to not listen to god etc to explain human suffering being allowed.. but how can you love a god that allows animals, that haven't sinned or chosen to not have anything to do with god, to have their short lives ended in often long, drawn out, painful ways.
i could list stories i've read that would probably make you feel ill, but i'm not looking to shock anyone or start an emotional debate.
If you are claiming that jesus suffered because he was killed by the romans and thus god understands suffering and chose to suffer for three days to prove that point are you not forgetting that jesus asked why had god forsaken him. If even three days was too much you would think he might have learnt some empathy for the millions of years of suffering the rest of his creation had undergone.
Whether you like it or not there is a gaping hole in your argument, this is not the same as me being angry with your god.
If They Stopped Shunning Tomorrow?
by cofty inimagine that the cult decided to stop shunning family members on the proviso that the dfd person was not actively trying to attack the cult.. (please don't debate whether or not this is likely - it's hypothetical).
how would you respond to your family?.
personally i think i would be less than cooperative.
If you choose to shun people yourself then how are you any better than they are? Having said that everyone's circumstances are unique and it is up to each person how they personally deal with it. Personally I would welcome anyone who decided to stop shunning regardless of whether they were a JW or not. -
Atheist Miracles
by Perry ini reworded a variation of a common critique of atheists to my own liking.
no, i do not hate atheists, i love them!
they keep me from getting bored.
I love the fact that as soon as people start poking holes in Perry's arguments he runs for the hills only to return a month later with exactly the same post hoping people have short memories. Perry you are such a silly bird.