I came home from work early today, and one of my wife's JW friends was visiting when I got home. She was actually there for a social visit, not for a study or any other JW agenda, so it didn't really bother me. It did surprise me however, that she kept calling my wife "sister". I didn't comment on it, but I thought (or maybe I just assumed) that only baptized women were called "sister". I know my wife isn't a baptized JW yet, as we had a long discussion/argument about it a couple months ago. She's been doing home bible studies since 11/04, goes to Mon Wed and Sun meetings on a regular basis now, and went to the last convention (she missed one day cause she was just too tired to go after going to the first day, then staying up late talking to her father on the phone over a family matter). That just doesn't seem long enough for the title to me, but then again, what would I know anyway? Or am I just in denial over her sliding down the "slippery slope", and don't want to see this as one more step down the wrong path?