Convention Drama, an example of Anachronistic Propaganda

by VM44 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • VM44

    The recent 2005 "Godly Obedience" Convention Drama is an example of an anachronism! and of propaganda!

    So why is the dram an example of anachronistic propaganda?

    1) In first century Athens greek, a university education was quite different from today's. There were no bachelor's, master's or doctorate degrees, and a degree was NOT required for employment as is the case today in modern times. Things were quite different then.

    2) The drama is really a modern day situation transported back to the first century greek era. It is NOT in any sense of the word, a Bible drama at all, the stuation is modern in nature, the actors might as well not be wearing period costume. The Watcthower just SAYS the drama is taking place 2,000 years ago, as if that makes it more Biblical!

    3) T o call it a Bible drama is an insideous presentation of Watchtower propaganda. It has been said here at JWD that the actor's dialogue used modern day JW terms, even though the presentation is supposed to be taking place long ago in Athens. Talk about being anachronistic!

    Really, the drama is not supposed to educate the audience as to what might have taken place in Athens during the first century CE, but rather is, by using people dressed up in robes, to to instruct modern day JWs not to persue education, and to be obedient slaves to the Watchtower!

    Entertainment as Propaganda!

    And the drama is the high point of the convention for many people!


  • undercover
    Entertainment as Propaganda!

    Or propaganda as entertainment...either way, excellent post.

  • greendawn

    At the end of the day it's all up to them fearing that education will produce more dissention and less stability in the org. Educated people realise better what the true colours of the WTS are.

    As for pioneering who's going to feed them so as to have them out preaching?

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    For most its the Ozzie and Harriet portion of the DC. Tends to keep people awake with all that movement on stage to keep their eyes busy. Pretty costumes, wow. How can I miss it? I am.

    I have to buy my books for next semester and can't afford to piss the cash away on motels and Denny's cheap restaurant food.


  • ozziepost

    Very true, VM44.

    Come to think of it, why is it accompanied by a soundtrack with all the actors lip-synching the words.

    The WTS does itself no service with that. Here downunder, the dramas are usually received with smirks and grimaces by the 'audience' because of the American accents which sound so out of place . Think about it, in an English-speaking land, there are people, supposedly Greek, spouting off at each other in American English. It sounds so incongruous.

    And as for the names they choose their modern-day characters!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - well, enough said!

    Yeas, I agree the dramnas are a 'highlight' of the DC but mainly because they relieve the boredom.

  • misspeaches

    I'll have to back Ozzie up with that one.

    When they broke out the American accents in the bible dramas here in Australia the reaction is often met with sniggers from the crowd. They only contributed to making the whole thing less authentic.

    Your right though. The whole drama this year is blatant propoganda. I wonder how many JW's will be able to see through it however...

    Miss Peaches.

  • Stephanus
    Think about it, in an English-speaking land, there are people, supposedly Greek, spouting off at each other in American English. It sounds so incongruous.

    Man, it must be like those old dubbed Bruce Lee films! LOL

  • sixsixsixtynine

    "The medium is the message."

    A statement by Marshall Mcluhan, meaning that the form of a message (print, visual, musical, etc.) determines the ways in which that message will be perceived. McLuhan argued that modern electronic communications (including radio, television, films, and computers) would have far-reaching sociological, aesthetic, and philosophical consequences, to the point of actually altering the ways in which we experience the world.

  • Leolaia

    Wasn't the book study last week all about Daniel and his three friends receiving a Babylonian higher education (even in such things as dream interpretation and divination), and that was okay for good Daniel to do this, as long as he kept his food requirements?

  • 95stormfront
    The whole drama this year is blatant propoganda. I wonder how many JW's will be able to see through it however...

    My wife didn't. She came right home and announced, after we'd already made plans, that she wouldn't be going back to school as she previously said she wanted to finish that degree and that, instead, she'd made arrangements for yet another study.

    One day she's gonna see what a huge waste of time it all really was.

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