The recent 2005 "Godly Obedience" Convention Drama is an example of an anachronism! and of propaganda!
So why is the dram an example of anachronistic propaganda?
1) In first century Athens greek, a university education was quite different from today's. There were no bachelor's, master's or doctorate degrees, and a degree was NOT required for employment as is the case today in modern times. Things were quite different then.
2) The drama is really a modern day situation transported back to the first century greek era. It is NOT in any sense of the word, a Bible drama at all, the stuation is modern in nature, the actors might as well not be wearing period costume. The Watcthower just SAYS the drama is taking place 2,000 years ago, as if that makes it more Biblical!
3) T o call it a Bible drama is an insideous presentation of Watchtower propaganda. It has been said here at JWD that the actor's dialogue used modern day JW terms, even though the presentation is supposed to be taking place long ago in Athens. Talk about being anachronistic!
Really, the drama is not supposed to educate the audience as to what might have taken place in Athens during the first century CE, but rather is, by using people dressed up in robes, to to instruct modern day JWs not to persue education, and to be obedient slaves to the Watchtower!
Entertainment as Propaganda!
And the drama is the high point of the convention for many people!