I recovered from being a JW and I never heard of this website, actually I don't think it was even in development 18 years ago - it's possibly to move on without it. Having said that, I think for many people who have had issues recovering from being a JW, need that push to get out, need the reference for a listing of different aspects of abuse and such, I think this is a good place to come and interact, especially with people that can understand what you have been through.
However, with any forum, it shouldn't take over your life. You can't live sitting behind a computer, you still have to get up and exist, find friends, interact in the world around you and explore. Some people have made friends here, went to fests - there is nothing wrong with that, I think that's a great thing.
When I first joined I didn't post for almost two years, I read it with interest, but then I was like, I am so over being a JW, do I really want to refer to it repeatedly all the time? And I completely forgot about it for two years. I saved it in my favorites, but had no real interest in coming back. Then a beloved family member died of mine and I had to go to a funeral and be in a KH for the first time in about eight years. So, I do understand and appreciate your concern too.
You just have to find a way to balance it. Sometimes I post, other times I don't come on for days, even a week or so, it's not that big of a deal to me. I enjoy it for what it is, I find out what is going on currently because so many of my family is still in it and that's about it.