JoinedPosts by JWdaughter
How could i have ever let myself get involved with this cult? pains me when i think about it.
by goingthruthemotions inwhen i think about where i am at now in my life, in my marriage, with my kids.
why did i get involved with this cult?
i have brought out the cult personality in my wife and there no turning her back.
Hold off leaving the marriage until your kids are grown if you can bear it. Hard won experience with relatives (not JW) have shown me that leaving a marriage when kids are minors is truly tragic when there is no abuse (physical or emotional) going on. If it is truly unbearable, just be aware of the consequences-they can be as unbearable as you might think the situation now is. -
Why I like the Mormons and why they are so much nicer then the JWs.
by new boy ini never really knew any until recently.
as a witness we all thought they were weird.
but the two faiths are a lot alike, except the mormons are really so much nicer than the jws!.
I think both religions are whacked. I know a LOT of both and the LDS win for being good neighbors in the literal way and the Jesus way. JWs can't touch them.
If all religion removed all the "spiritual" and doctrinal stuff and was left with the Christian 'life', the JWs would all be just plain dead. Mormons practice their religion in practical and truly neighborly ways. They help each other and their neighbors, their tithes support the things that the church does (and they do a LOT-their tithes support the community in the way they should). I can name some stinkier things that are official doctrine, but in everyday life, they practice being good neighbors and I think Jesus (who I believe existed) was more interested in informing what we do than what we blather about.
Your Jehovah’s Witness Is Showing
by David_Jay insince i just signed up and posted a few times without doing this yet, here is my story..
i think that i became a jehovahs witness because of my immaturity.
i had some quirky personality traits, and i joined finding that i fit in because, as i said to myself: these people get me.
When I saw the title, I already knew what this would be about and you articulated it beautifully. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt, only its not as well written as yours;) -
Warwick -How much will it cost to build?
by TakeOffTheCrown inthere are some good minds on this forum.
how much will it cost, in your estimation, to build warwick?
Oh, and if you think they aren't already hinting around for someone to provide a yacht or party barge or something similar for the pretty lake, then you are probably wrong. Unless watercraft is not allowed. -
Warwick -How much will it cost to build?
by TakeOffTheCrown inthere are some good minds on this forum.
how much will it cost, in your estimation, to build warwick?
When I first heard of the project, I thought that the whole thing would be much less than the Brooklyn properties would bring in. I'm looking at it though and it LOOKS expensive. Several large blocks of flats, the fancy dam nonsense, landscaping, hazardous waste cleanup, utilities to the boondocks. . . just the hardscaping would cost a flipping fortune. Can you imagine the driveway? In the boonies? Its not going to be a rutted dirt road or graveled. Road infrastructure and construction is $$$. -
Go bags are a good idea. We should all have some emergency supplies in our homes and cars. Even if it is just because someone next to us (not our family) has a blood sugar issue, an injury, heatstroke. . . but I have been trapped in cold weather on the side of a road for hours on a mountain pass before due to an accident. Fortunately, I always stock up for road trips with good snack food and extra blankets for naps. It is good to have things to share in times of minor need.
It is true that in a major need we'd need to be well stocked and armed like mormons or preppers to have any chance.
Today was an odd day.
by paul from cleveland inexperienced a series of odd coincidences today.
this morning i noticed a friend had "liked" a picture i had posted on facebook.
i hadn't spoken with him for a while so i texted him that we should get together to 'catch up' some time soon.
Wow, that was quite a lot of day! My big news got a job interview, had a great unplanned sales call and baked a great loaf of bread.
Yours definitely had more drama and tragedies. I'm sorry so many that you care for are facing so much difficulty. May they all get rest from their stresses and find comfort.
Had the C.O visit this week...went out on service and Wow
by MrsR-Awaken inthis is my first post here (not being comments) but i still have to tell my story but for that i need to get my mind together in other to give as much detail as possible to be able to share it.
will do in a future post.. anyway i had to share this.. so i went out on service this morning (i never do i always end up excusing myself because i hate field service) reason i did was to see what the new c.o had to say and he sure did say something.
he was saying what we had to present and he went over the watchtower magazine.
They might have more success if they said, " we are Jehovah's Witnesses and are here today to ask you to accept a book study with us that explains our unique interpretation of the bible with the expectation that you will choose to join our odd sect and give up normal life to bring up your children to be uneducated, mindless drones and to live in your basement, whilst you are all doing what I am doing now, oh, what a glorious future awaits! -
Where does the money come from to operate the Hospital Information network?
by OrphanCrow inthe recent buzz that has hit the online communities concerning the watchtower society and their evil offspring - the jw org - revolves around their apparent financial difficulties.
many factors have been discussed - the real estate flips (and flops), the changes in meetings and field service, the need for donations to cover expenses, the push for donations.
where does the money come from to operate the hospital information network?
My mom got an hour or so with an end who was hired by hospital as regular employee and who led mum through a loooong session involving a blood agreement, mum chose from a lot of options after being totally led by JW hospital employee to which option were acceptable.
Catholic hospital, paid by Medicare and group health.
Bethel layoffs of oldies
by I am a Bible Student inis this true?
has anyone heard of it?
saw it on my facebook.. "jan. 6 bethel update 108 elderly bethelites getting the boot.. brooklyn, ny.
Toesup-in that bethel pic there wasn't anyone under 60. Maybe 70.