All those who don't believe it could ever happen among JWs are just still brainwashed. JWs are just people. No better than any other people. People engage in that kind of behavior and not all JWs are in because they are actually morally and ethically pure. HERE, we see all the time how many are just in because they have no other simple options. How many are in the borg that don't really buy into it or who just hope that they will get some points in the hereafter because they kind of believe it but aren't really committed? All those 2 hour averages come from somewhere.
A lot of people are going and playing along with no internal dedication to anything. They are playing it like every other Sunday/Easter Christian that JWs make fun of. A little more time, but no more heart in the game.
I was in a cong. in NJ that was all kinds of fun, they went to see movies unapproved of by hardass JWs, listened to music, went to DANCE CLUBS (it was the 80's) and out for drinks at bars (I was still underaged back then). I only participated in the regular Friendly's outing after meetings on Sunday, but to ME, that was weird-the only time we went to restaurants was when it was break out in FS.
I never did this but find it entirely credible that like minded people find each other in halls. They are, after all, just people.