There is nothing that the borg can do to me anymore. Tattle on me to my mom? She is under no illusions and refuses to deal with me (again, until she starts talking to me again). I wish I could turn the tables on them some way. They just piss me off on the principle of the thing. They have spoiled my relationship with my mom forever because my mom is insane about them and has some creeping dementia to boot. It's like she's dead already, and then she resurrects herself and she is old and I can't do to her what she is willing to do to me. Arrrgghh. I'm so over the borg.
That JWs feel so compelled to spy on others (with or without the explicit egging on by the the Borg) just says something about the entire organization that is so sick, sick, sick. They tattle, they spy, they take notes so they can harm others, destroy families and shake up communities. So what if someone wants to fade or is there, active and not buying it? The borg should not be doing anything corporately or organizationally that can harm them, if leaked. And there is nothing that a JW can do to the organization to hurt it when they are showing up, counting hours and giving talks. If all half hearted JWs just disappeared, not many JWs would be left at all.