Jake is awesome, glad you got out of it ok. Take a break!!! Illness is nature/Gods way of telling you to take care of yourself. We care about you.
friday was hell as the owner of the shop told me to be at work no matter what.
he knows i am fighting this ca.
and am going thru chemo.
Jake is awesome, glad you got out of it ok. Take a break!!! Illness is nature/Gods way of telling you to take care of yourself. We care about you.
ok, i'll admit, nurse's are the worst patients ever, especially me!!
went to the dr. for my test results this afternoon.
they found a blood clot.
Shelley, aren't you glad you got it over with! I am so glad to know you are doing well and already cranky(as you know, that is a good thing for a patient to be!) Take care of yourself, love yourself, and do things that feel good. We care about you and are so glad you back and well! .
Shelly(the other one)
i realize that threads like this have been done before, but i don't think that it hurts to do one again.. i personally appreciate this website so much.
it has been an absolute treasure-trove of information, research material, emotional support, and simple enjoyment.
and, it's free of charge!
Thank you webbie people who make this site. It is about the best forum I can find for this discussion. Shelly
hiya folks.
just joined on board and figured i'd say a quick hello to all.
i'd get into more, but i'm soooo watching this ingrid bergman marathon on right now on turner classic movies...
Welcome! Enjoy, learn and rant with the rest of us!
does this newspaper article indicate that the watchtower society allows (or allowed) jws in india to stand for that country's national anthem????
half a century later, the supreme court made the same point about tolerance when giving a verdict on the refusal of two children belonging to the sect of the jehovah's witness, who refused to sing the national anthem, jana gana mana, in a kerala school because their religion did not permit saluting a national flag or to sing a national anthem as it did not believe in the nation state.
in its verdict, the court said that as long as the children stood respectfully when the anthem was being played, it was all right.
I grew up in the states and had no problem standing. I don't remember that we were counseled against it. NEVER said or spoke anything patriotic though.
My favorite holidays are Thanksgiving and Independance day. And I can sing the NA as badly as anyone, thank you very much!
ok, if i came to your country (usa, canada, france, holland, oz....wherever) what should someone experience or sample before they leave....to give them a true taste of your homeland.
limit it to 5 per post....if you can.. i'll start with england/britain.. english ale, the lake district (england), to get a true taste of england visit the city of bath (or maybe stratford, though a bit too touristy), sample some black pudding (blood sausage .
c'mon you patriots!!!!.
Texas brisket(prepared by a real texan or it won't count) Alaskan and Washington Salmon. Starbucks coffee(kind of ubiquitous, but it deserves to be), Frisko freeze in Tacoma. Washington State Ferries, Picking strawberries growing wild(tiny perfect sweet)and huckleberries whilst avoiding bears(for real). Logging roads. Interstate Highways.Puget Sound. hawaii (ha, no one else has it!) Two Oceans, Great Lakes and Gulf of Mexico. Wonderful and fascinating border countries-with extreme ease of getting over the borders:)
It must be great since the biggest thing we seem to argue about is illegal immigration. We are very popular among many groups(except Canada-I think they mostly all hate us-but I like them anyhow)
go back to the kingdumb hall??
even for someones wedding or a loved ones funeral?
If anyone had the guts to invite me, I would honor them by going (to a wedding) and if someone that I love who is a JW dies, I will go to the funeral. Even the nutsy relatives. I love them even if they are screwed up. I love all my family and would not do anything that would dishonor them at either occasion.
If they start something at a family reunion, I will be honest, but still keep things respectful-respecting my family in that, not the religion.
this will probably apply to few here, but to me it'll always be that way.
it's the what if syndrome maybe, but it's always there.
i still think that as a core belief system the jw's have it right, even if their delivery isn't always right.
Hi Scooby, I think you were brave to come here and admit your feelings about the teachings of the organization. And your sexuality.
Don't forget what the Bible says about 'true religion" James 2:27 speaks of caring for widows and orphans in their need and keeping w/o spot from the world. The first one they ignore and the second they really manipulate. Their idea of not being worldly goes beyond what the Bible says in a way that, of course, only includes THEM. I think we have established that JWs are as flawed as a group as any other. There are nice people, loving people, jerks, users, abusers and hangers on. Just like at every religious group you will find. Some take what the Bible says very seriously (regarding morals and treating other people properly) and some are quite casual about it. So then you need to look at who is leading you, what they encourage and tell you is important. Did JESUS ever tell that the most critical and in fact determining factor of their Christianity was formally going door to door and turning in their hours? Attending all those meetings? Would Jesus have cast out anything BUT a demon (like his child, sister or mother?) Would Jesus have said that the idea of life was more important than actual life?(blood issue) Did he ever say that only 144000 would be born again? You can pick out all the actual doctrine you think is or might be true and NONE of it requires near worship of the WT organization or the GB or 144K. Nothing even indicates such a thing. I think that whatever truths you COULD find in 'the organization' could be found in other, less controlling venues that don't suck the life and spirit out of you.
a thought i had daydreaming while at the recent convention .
old timers in the organization often reminisce about the way the wts was many years ago.
attending a convention meant (a) getting hot meals, (b) orchestra music before and during sessions, and (c) two, three, or even four dramas.
I do fondly remember working in the assembly and the icy cold vanilla pudding. . .now they are supposed to schlep in their own food, along with their kids, babies, books and everything else?? Geez. Sounds like such fun. From what I am reading and my overall impression of the organization, I figure before long they will skip the conventions and simply have some Bethel types do some talks and ask people to donate for a dvd of the 'convention'. That would REALLY simplify things, eh? Just THINK how much people pay for DVDs retail!!!I am imagining the encouragement to donate generously-then reminders of how much they are saving by not having to travel to the convention, stay in hotels, take time off work. Just think of the possibilities for a short sighted organization to count those chickens. . .
do any of you remember this... when one subscribed to the awake or watchtower magazines, they would, back in south africa, come in a cardboard roll... kinda like the kitchen roll cardboard thingies... then later they would come folded in half lengthways.
well, where i am going with this is here... it became sort of a status symbol in the congo to have one of these rolled mags and later the folded ones and one would make a point of straightening them out (despite them being underlined to death and well used) to show the fact that you subscribe to the magazines!
did any of you do something similar?
I grew up in the states and we always had a subscription until they stopped. I don't remember any particular status associated with it. Must be one of those weird 'ferengi' things:) I only remember them coming folded. Shelly