tee hee!
i've often wondered about god's name 'jehovah' or 'yahweh', why is it that these are the only two acceptable translations of the tetragrammaton "yhwh" translated from the four hebrew consonants?
why is it that the society only implants the vowels that make the words 'jehovah' i.e(e,o and a) or 'yahweh' (a and e)?
surely the tetragrammaton can be pronounced several different ways with a mixture of different vowels.
tee hee!
since modern music keeps coming up, we need to address the classical!
what are your favorite pieces and the artists?
if you play an instrument, pick the piece that's your favorite to play or you wish you could play.. r.. my favorite is fantasy impromtu by chopin.
Bela Bartok: concerto for violin, Nos. 1 & 2.
i mentioned this in passing in a previous post.
i think it deserves its own topic.
any takers?
"What I am talking about is a radical investigation into self. Is there a real individual who suffers, or not? If there is none to be found, then suffering is an illusion...fed only by a tenacious death grip on it."
Just curious, JT, is this an illusion also? Place your hand on a hot burner and you will quickly recognize the true nature of your physical reality. Suffering (whether it be psychological or physical) is ENTIRELY real, leading to depression and/or suicide in many cases. For most people inhabiting reality, fluffy "Jack Handy" ko'ans about the illusion of self and suffering amount to jack squat. Emotions and sentience have physical and chemical correlates and the individual and his/her physical reality creates the self and feelings generated by the self.
i just returned a customer's phone call and heard that on the voice mail.
every now and then these come along, and i experience a few emotions or thoughts.
my thoughts and experiences, and yes i know everyone isn't like this and there are a lot of great, humble, christ serving people here and out there...this isn't directed at you:.
kid-a, I think that is a fantastic idea! Let me know how it works out for ya! Yup! Gonna try it out in Texas first!!! LOL.....
do you believe the watchtower organization is inserting them, or individuals are doing so on their own?.
having looked at the images that people have found and pointed out, i have to say that i don't think they are there at all.
just random patterns that happen to look like something familiar.
I have no doubt they are there, but they are either 1) accidental illusions or 2) some bored prankster in the Brooklyn art department.
There was one in 1983 (??) where a bearded man was clearly stippled into the bottom corner of a womans skirt, unfortunately I dont have a scan but I have the bound volume at home. This example was clearly deliberate as the illustrator would have had to go out of his way to put this image in. But so what? Some dudes face with a beard. Just the artists having some fun and given the dreadful monotony and soul-sucking boredom that must accompany life in Brooklyn bethel, I really have to applaud them for showing some attempts at creativity! LOL.
i just returned a customer's phone call and heard that on the voice mail.
every now and then these come along, and i experience a few emotions or thoughts.
my thoughts and experiences, and yes i know everyone isn't like this and there are a lot of great, humble, christ serving people here and out there...this isn't directed at you:.
A simple and entertaining experiment would be:
"May Satan bless you and may the bright light of Lucifer shine upon you"....
Watch for the facial reaction to see how they enjoy a Satanist perspective being shoved in their face....LOL...
here are some of my paintings.
most of them are quite large, but not all.
perhaps i will post some drawings tomorrow.
Very cool !!!!
in order: .
garybuss- he says everything so straightforward.
it's just a publishing company that has no real control over your lives.. blondie- tends to always post the correct wt to help us see how .
All the posters who, out of genuine concern for not making others feel unimportant or unpopular (most of us had enough of that growing up as JWs) and who therefore refrained from listing personal favourites are now on my favourites list! LOL.....
well since maybe you are no longer a jw any more..............you have that option!.
good idea?.
giving your sons or daughters to the "gods of war" .
This is our generation's war, not my daughter's or granddaughter's war.
What "war" are you referring to? George Bush's "war on terror"? That isn't a war, its a republican slogan. As for what is happening in Iraq and Afghanistan, those are more akin to "police actions" attempting to control the chaos left over from Bushs pre-emptive invasions. They are not "wars" in any sense of the word. You cannot go to "war" against terrorism, because the very nature of terrorism PRECLUDES it from that definition. You do not even understand nor know who your enemy is, beyond some abstract concept of "the radical muslim". Its as absurd a notion as "The War on Cancer" because you are ultimately dealing with an ever evolving and changing enemy that cannot be defeated.
after a much heated debate...the jaracz avatar has been retired, i am very sorry.
but a new and improved version is now in place.
wac (deedeedee for joining the borg).
That was Jaracz? I thought it was Dick Cheney.
Not sure if replacing Teddy with a picture of a fat, spastic man with a triple chin saying "dee dee dee" is a huge leap forward for your account.....
(oh god I hope that isnt you in the pic!!!! LOL.....)