Sorry kiddie-A, NOT true. Why not tell the board how we just so happened to "get here" then.
Its called "Evolution", numb-nuts....oh I forgot, they dont teach that course at the "Awake University" of Janitorial Science!
did jesus have a god that he worshipped?
Sorry kiddie-A, NOT true. Why not tell the board how we just so happened to "get here" then.
Its called "Evolution", numb-nuts....oh I forgot, they dont teach that course at the "Awake University" of Janitorial Science!
did jesus have a god that he worshipped?
This board distorts things to make it look like we are all Mind-Controlled Zombie-Demons of the WTBS!
> No distortion is necessary with brain-dead JWs such as yourself posting here! By the way, do your local elders know you are posting here yet?
Let us know how your judicial meeting turns out!
p.s. you might want to edit your thread title, Einstein; its "atheist" not "athiest"....or maybe thats how the Watchtower spells it?
who was the injured party?
in the garden of eden when both adam and his wife, eve rebelled against instructions from their landlord, jehovah.. "in the day you eat of it (the fruit) you shall surely die.".
adam and eve ate of it.
"Scully you can't ignore the fact that mankinds physical structure was made to live forever. Our cell structure is made to reproduce and repair itself. Scientist are still baffled by this occurrence"
I didnt think you could top the ridiculousness of your previous post on "genetic transmission of sin" but it appears you have done it!
This is complete garbage. The molecular machinery of the cell is programmed to die! Its called "apoptosis" and its a completely natural and necessary cellular process within ALL multicellular organisms. Cellular replication is controlled by molecular structures called "telomeres" which become shorter and shorter with each division until the cell no longer divides, and goes into apoptotic self-destruction.
It is blatantly obvious you have no understanding of science, evolution or molecular biology so why do you continue to post bullshit statements like this that anyone who has taken grade 9 biology can readily debunk? Stop insulting our intelligence with this illiterate nonsense.
that is what 1 cor.
13:4 says......... yet exodus.........says jehovah is a "jealous god".......and what you do could really piss him off!
you have the ability to make god!
Monty Python pretty much summed it up....
"O Lord, please don't burn us.
Don't grill or toast Your flock.
Don't put us on the barbecue
Or simmer us in stock.
Don't braise or bake or boil us
Or stir-fry us in a wok.
Oh, please don't lightly poach us
Or baste us with hot fat.
Don't fricassee or roast us
Or boil us in a vat,
And please don't stick Thy servants, Lord,
In a Rotissomat."
who was the injured party?
in the garden of eden when both adam and his wife, eve rebelled against instructions from their landlord, jehovah.. "in the day you eat of it (the fruit) you shall surely die.".
adam and eve ate of it.
"I know I have not seen Jehovah hanging around the earth."
And you consider this an adequate excuse for his inaction? You know, in most jurisdictions, a "landlord" is legally responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of their property. Now, you assume that an all-knowing, omnipotent being (god) has created the entire universe and every element within it, yes? Then answer, who do you think is ultimately responsible for what takes place within this "created" reality?
p.s. the "free moral agent" argument will not work here. Given that we are discussing a macro level of ultimate responsibility (the universe and all within it), even the concept of morality, good, evil, etc had to have been arbitrarily determined by god, a priori, therefore all so-called "free moral agents" are still forced to work within the arbitrarily defined constructs of "good and evil" as defined by your god.
If you were the supreme being of the universe, would you have been incompetent enough to "design" sentient beings with the built-in flaw of being capable of transgressing your own, arbitrarily defined moral edicts?
well these two would be my all time favorites .
chariots of fire .
My fave film composer would be Ennio Morricone.
A very close second would be Elmer Bernstein....his scores for various film-noir classics of the 50s and 60s were beyond compare and still resonate today....
who was the injured party?
in the garden of eden when both adam and his wife, eve rebelled against instructions from their landlord, jehovah.. "in the day you eat of it (the fruit) you shall surely die.".
adam and eve ate of it.
I give props to "unbaptized" for at least making an effort......
There are tons of "believers" on this board and only 1 newbie steps up to the plate to address this issue? <<<< crickets still chirping >>>>>
did jesus have a god that he worshipped?
"Nobody ever takes a moment to analyze this. It is just taken as a given."
Those who have analyzed it are now for those who have not, this is like asking a patient on morphine to analyse the molecular structure of the mu-opiate receptors causing their euphoria.....why would they bother? They believe the drug (or their belief system) is working, so why dissect gossamer?
who was the injured party?
in the garden of eden when both adam and his wife, eve rebelled against instructions from their landlord, jehovah.. "in the day you eat of it (the fruit) you shall surely die.".
adam and eve ate of it.
"The fact of the matter is sin was transmissable to Adams offspring through genetics."
Thats a remarkable statement! Please provide a citation from a journal where these studies were published! I am guessing you must have a Doctorate in molecular biology so I just had some quick questions pertaining to your statement:
1) Which "intron" or "exon" coding segment actually contains the "sin" gene?
2) What is the protein that this gene encodes, and how does this "sin" protein manifest itself in the "sinners" phenotype" ?
3) How many "base" pairs on the cording segment separate "a little white lie" from "gross fornication"???
my lovely girlfriend and i sat down over a homecooked meal, and discussed the pros and cons of attending the memorial.. i decided, with her support, that we would attend.. i spent years of my life pretending to be a witness to please my mother.
when i left the witnesses, my mother said some hurtful things.. and those things really hurt me... for a while.
but i established myself as my own person, developed my own relationships, and have gotten a good start on my own life.. i don't know that i want to hurt my mother back, but i do want to make it abundantly clear to her, my grandmother, and all the members of my former congregation, that richierich is alive and kicking.. and i think that walking into the kingdom hall, dressed respectfully in a suit, yet with full piercing jewelry intact, and with erika wearing something classy that steals the brother's eyes, and draws glares from the humble sisters, will be just the thing to send that message to my mother.. i don't plan on partaking or making a disturbance.
I think its a good idea, especially if it brings some sort of closure. Go for it.
In addition, it will send an important message to the dub kids and teenagers that may be pondering an escape plan: yes, there IS a life after leaving the borg, and no, you did not end up lying face down in a gutter OD'd on heroin, as the Watchtower tells them this is what will happen should they follow a similar fact, you will demonstrate that you are living your life on your own terms, getting an education and involved in a happy and successful romantic relationship.