What is the psychiatric diagnosis for someone (myelaine) who can only respond with biblical quotations?
Posts by kid-A
Zany Questions from Board Members to Wacky Terry
by Terry inokay, go ahead and make my day: ask me anything!.
Rutherford talk "Face the Facts" 1938 A review in TIME Magazine Sept 19
by Lady Lee inyou just never know what you will find when you are looking for something else.. a time journalist, had the following to say.
i had bold some interesting comments.
jehovah's witnesses, or the international bible students association, is a sect which believes it is helping to establish god's kingdom on earth, distrusts formalized religion (particularly roman catholicism), engages in periodic spats with the law because its members like to peddle anticlerical pamphlets, dislike to have their children salute the flag in school.
"A hideous monstrosity is rapidly moving to rule the world by dictators and to regiment the people."
How ironic that he was describing the future of the WTBS....1938....I wonder how many of his oratory mannerisms were copied from Josef Goebbels, who was also making similar speeches around the same time?
Zany Questions from Board Members to Wacky Terry
by Terry inokay, go ahead and make my day: ask me anything!.
Christina or Britney?
On our way to PA!!!
by AuldSoul inice and snow flurries most of the way there, and bitterly cold ... but we are thrilled.. a bad day today thanks to my father.
thanks, dad!
your prayer didn't work.
Congrats Brandon!
You will love Pennsylvania. I lived there for 3 years and got to explore most of the state. Watch out for highways 30 and 79, speed-traps everywhere!!! LOL.....
More thoughts on Satan the Devil
by lovelylil inthe other day, we were discussing whether satan is a real person (fallen angel) or just the personification of evil.
i was trying to see people's thoughts on this topic because many christians i know claim satan is not real.
even clergy today teach this.
"Why play such games with his own creation which, we are told, he loves deeply?"
Exactly Sir! The entire premise is a self-encapsulated and circular self-contradiction. My guess is that most believers do see the logic behind these counter-arguments but simply activate their psychological "faith shields" to deny or circumvent having to address seriously these blatant contradictions in their belief structures, lest the very core of their conception of the universe be thrown off its foundation. I know, since the same things happened to me as I threw off the blinders of the Watchtower indoctrination.
Alas, we are still waiting for a substantive answer(s) to about 20-30 of the questions that have been asked on this thread. Is there not a single theologian on the board that can address these issues?
And no, myelaine, quoting scriptures is NOT an answer, but a deflection mechanism. What I find so disturbing in these threads is the inevitable hand-waving that arises from the opposing team. This is EXACTLY the response I used to get from my JW parents when similar questions arose.....the classic "who are you to question the wisdom of god?" routing. I'm sorry. These sorts of responses are annoying, frustrating and complete bollocks.
Christianity did NOT borrow from pagan "Dying-Rising" God motifs
by yaddayadda init is a fallacy that the early christians weaved the tale of a dying and rising god-man on the loom of mystery religions.
the idea of the dying-rising god as a parallel to the christian concept of the death and resurrection of christ was popularized by james frazer in the golden bough, first published in 1906. scholar edwin yamauchi (1974; easter: myth, hallucination, or history?
) has observed that, although frazer marshaled many parallels, the foundation was very fragile and has been discredited by a host of scholars since frazers ideas were at the height of their popularity in the 1960s.
"And even more so, since disbelief in God, hence disbelief in the Bible, means no accountability to anything higher than yourself and the police. Eat, drink, fornicate, and generally be merry with impunity, for tomorrow you are to die."
LMAO!!! What a self-righteous arse. Pretty obvious who has the agenda here. Exactly what a JW elder would say! Did you cut and paste this from a Watchtower article? Get over your delusions. Anyone with even the foggiest understanding of sociocultural evolution understands that NO religious traditions exist in a vacuum. Myths, prophecies, symbols, archetypes are passed around as social and psychological memes. The writers of the NT were NOT immune to the cultures and mythos within which they were raised, and the product they produced (a highly stylized account of a man-god named Jesus, whose life had overwhelming similarities to the surrounding greek and roman mythological traditions) is an obvious reflection of this fact.
A God shaped like a man, walking, talking, eating, but still having magic God powers—you can't get more Pagan than that. Ancient Gods had human bodies, that's how Paganism worked. Jesus was no different.Ancient Pagan Gods like Attis, Dionysus, Osiris, Mithras, and others weren't just Gods in human form, they were God-men—subordinate Gods, son's of the great universal God, miraculously conceived, born of a mortal woman, living for a while on Earth rather than in Heaven. Sound familiar? Sure it does. That's because Jesus is a Pagan godman .
Jesus a xerox copy of one particular Pagan God? When Paul and Mark and John sat down to write about Jesus, did they have the Revised Standard Edition of The Gospel of the Pagan Gods open on the table? The answer is No. Of course not. Don't be silly.
What Paul, Mark, John, and the other early Christians had wasn't on their tables, it was in their heads. What they had were the same general notions of divinity, and cosmology and humanity, and how those things worked together, that everyone had back then. They knew how Gods worked. And when they wrote about Jesus, they made sure he worked like a God—which I do not doubt for a minute is exactly what they believed He was.
More thoughts on Satan the Devil
by lovelylil inthe other day, we were discussing whether satan is a real person (fallen angel) or just the personification of evil.
i was trying to see people's thoughts on this topic because many christians i know claim satan is not real.
even clergy today teach this.
"God is said to be perfect in wisdom, so I would say that it is inherent in His own nature as well."
Unfortunately this simply leads back to square one. You admit previously that god is "capable" of acting in a "good" or "evil" way. Now, these are ways of defining actions that are derived from underlying "traits". This is a tacit admission that "evil" is a property of god. How could it be any other way? If god created the universe from nothingness, and all components within that universe, he is ultimately responsible for the existence of evil. It is the only logical conclusion to draw without by necessity demonstrating that evil existed before god, if it did NOT exist before god, than obviously, god created it. EITHER of these possibilites contradicts the theological conception of god:
1) If premise 1 is correct (god did indeed create evil), then evil is a part of god, ergo, god is imperfect (unless he possesses "perfect evil?" ), which leads to the obvious question, why would anyone worship a flawed and imperfect being?
2) If evil existed before god, which is the ONLY logical alternative to premise 1, the logical conclusion is that god must have had a beginning, is therefore finite, ergo limited in his/her/its "omniscience".....
The typical response would be that evil arose AFTER god created the universe. However, that is simply a cop-out. If the "template" of the universe was created by god, its ultimately his own design flaw that left this gaping "potential" for evil amongst the beings he created to bow down before his greatness. Unfortunately, the only answers we seem to be getting from the believers is hand waving, deflections and evasive "change the topic" responses. Its depressing knowing ones belief system appears to be resting upon such fragile and self-contradictory premises, incapable of providing clear and satisfactory answers.
by badboy ini understand that david hathaway reaches 400 million people in former ussr by cable tv!.
should jws do the same?.
possibly more effective than door-door!.
In the late 70s there was a VERY short-lived cable show on Rogers Cable television in Toronto featuring local elders discussing Watchtower theology for 30 minutes in a discussion format. My Dad even appeared on it. I was only about 6 at the time so dont remember exactly why it got pulled. I think they did about 6-7 episodes.
In Memorandum
by RichieRich init was the 14th of april last year that i had to sit my mother down and tell her i was an apostate.. i was closer to her than anyone else.
my father and mother are still married, but he let her raise me as a witness, and that meant it was me and mom.. me and mom in field service for 100 hours in july because she had to make her time as a regular pioneer.. me and mom fighting over what to bring for lunch to the district convention.. me and mom up late at night, when she would berate me, and then unload all her problems on to me.. me and mom and our 4 hour family studies, where we discuss 2 paragraphs of a random book, and then she would browbeat me until early in the morning.. somehow, through all that, i pretended to be a witness for years, just to appease her.
looking back, i don't know if i loved her, or if i was just afraid of her.
Again, another brilliantly articulated and gut-wrenching post that perfectly encapsulates the damage this cult does to family relationships.
You prove again your wisdom beyond your years and remarkable talents that tragically, your mom refuses to see outside the confines of
a forced membership in a publishing corporation masquerading as a religion. Unlike so many that would have caved under the pressure, you have
emerged stronger, more powerful and wiser after your ordeal.....you are headed for great things in life.
More thoughts on Satan the Devil
by lovelylil inthe other day, we were discussing whether satan is a real person (fallen angel) or just the personification of evil.
i was trying to see people's thoughts on this topic because many christians i know claim satan is not real.
even clergy today teach this.
This Q: why would God create anything that had the potential for evil?
Because he created us in his image and endowed us with a measure of all his qualities.
> Lil, if this premise is true, and god created ALL phenomena within the universe and indeed, the universe itself, then clearly, evil comes from god. If this is not true, you would have to argue that evil existed BEFORE god, and if god, by his own definition is the "alpha and the omega", then this would be a logical contradiction.
Second, if, as you state, god created us in his image, then "evil" must be a subcomponent of god, and therefore, god is clearly capable of evil (according to whatever definition of evil one cares to use). Even if god chooses NOT to be evil, it is irrelevant. HE is ultimately responsible for his creation (the universe and all within it) and that must, by logical necessity, INCLUDE evil and/or the capacity for evil. Now, if this is true than by definition, god cannot be perfect, since part of him/her/it is indeed, EVIL, correct? Which begs the question, why should imperfect humans, worship an imperfect god?????