Lego, I'm glad I'm not the only one I make sense to.
JoinedPosts by Smiles_Smiles
What is Zen
by Enigma One inafter dumping the dub's i was against all religion of any kind.
slowly but surely i started to embrace a belief system that matched my own internal one.
part of my job takes me to asia.
What is Zen
by Enigma One inafter dumping the dub's i was against all religion of any kind.
slowly but surely i started to embrace a belief system that matched my own internal one.
part of my job takes me to asia.
hmmm ... ??? ...
"body is my core of spirituality"
do you mind elaborating, please? Just curious ...
What is Zen
by Enigma One inafter dumping the dub's i was against all religion of any kind.
slowly but surely i started to embrace a belief system that matched my own internal one.
part of my job takes me to asia.
I haven't met too many who were both.
What is Zen
by Enigma One inafter dumping the dub's i was against all religion of any kind.
slowly but surely i started to embrace a belief system that matched my own internal one.
part of my job takes me to asia.
OK .. excuse my assumptions ...
You 'look' like a very physical dweller but you sound like a true spiritual dweller. Does that make sense?
What is Zen
by Enigma One inafter dumping the dub's i was against all religion of any kind.
slowly but surely i started to embrace a belief system that matched my own internal one.
part of my job takes me to asia.
OK .. now THIS is a thread I can appreciate.
I am in the middle of reading a group of books by Osho: Tao, Buddha, Zen, Tantra. So far I have liked the Tao book the best. It put in words allot of the way I have experienced life since leaving the bOrg. I have to admit that I have not gotten all the way through the Zen book though.
I am still not open to adopt any 'form' of religion or exclusive idealism. But what I like about this part of the Eastern way is it seems that most of it started as not a religion but was made into a way of worshiping as man got his hands all intertwined in it. So it is pretty easy for me to read and understand most of this (not mentally but soulfully) without feeling I have to adopt some formal form or label myself as a "something or other" (buddhist, taoist, so on or so forth). It works for me. And I just love it when I read something that puts words to what I have already been experiencing! Do you have any thoughts on Tantra?
BTW, Enigma, I just have to say, your picture doesn't look like what you sound like in your post here. Amazing ...
Awesome Movie
by onesong inmaybe it's already been talked about here but has anybody seen: what the(bleep) do we know?.
i just got done watching it.
after studying quantum physics for the past few months and the link to spirituality this movie is great!.
It continues to amaze me how people are so eager to judge other's experiences and beliefs on this site. I guess I can't expect much more then that because it is something that is practiced so intensely in the JW religion BUT DAMN! Let people have their own experiences and the joys that comes to them through those experiences without throwing a wet blanket on it.
I have learned enough in life to understand that since this bothers me so much that I must be doing it myself in some way. "If you can spot it, You got it". But if I am ... shame on me too.
Onesong - I am so happy you enjoyed the movie. I enjoyed it too. Rather people can prove the things on it were 'right or wrong' fact or opinion ~ who cares. Some of those things resinated with me when I watched it a couple of years ago. I just LOVE experiencing and enjoying the 'possibilities'.
by Mary inok, if you had to choose between looks and personality, which wins?
guys: if a girl is only mediocre in the looks department but is absolutely fab-u-lous in the personality dept...........which is more important to you?
or are they equally important?
OK looks and great personality wins me over if I can't have both. But I don't care how good looking or great the personality is if we are not sexually compatible there can't be more then a friendship.
Bottom line though ... I WANT IT ALL!
Why do so many people NEED to believe in a greater purpose?
by gringojj ini am an atheist.
i believe that this is the only life we have, there is nothing more.
i have no greater purpose.
Well jgnat, I don't know if he looked at that site but I did. I found it to be very enjoyable and validating.
Thank you, Smiles
"I Would've Never Known God's Name Is Jehovah Unless I Became A JW"
by minimus inso says my mom who is seeing that much of the "truth" isn't really all that true but she is stuck on "jehovah" being god's name and how only the witnesses make known his name.
what would you say in response?
I would say "Mom if that is what your heart is telling you is true then I am happy for you. I'm not here to try to change you to what my heart tells me is true for me. Find and embrace your own truth."
Say something here, that you'd say in your JW active days
by JH ini'll start:.
hey brother smith, how about if we go preach the good news tomorrow morning, hey?
pick you up at 9
Missed u at the meeting.
Are you doing ea