Right, I`ve read thru the link I provided one more time, cause there`s one thing I still don`t understand. Hope someone can explain this to me. What EXACTLY does this new meaning of the word "generation" mean? I tried and tried, but for the life of me, I can`t figure it out. God, the doctrine used to be so simple and straightforward, and clearly defined, with time-range and all, and now it`s just all messed up!? The Watchtower, November 1, 1995, says:
"However, we "bring a heart of wisdom in," not by speculating about how many years or days make up a generation, but by thinking about how we "count our days" in bringing joyful praise to Jehovah (Psalm 90:12). Rather than provide a rule for measuring time, the term "generation" as used by Jesus refers principally to contemporary people of a certain historical period, with their identifying characteristics. "
Ok, I think I understand the "contemporary people of a certain historical period"-part. This must mean that whatever the deal is with 1914,the signs are clearly there that we are living in the end-times (you know, wars and earthquakes and all, LoL). And obviously, the new meaning of the word "generation" must obviously mean that it can extend longer than that of a persons life, that even if the...(correct me if I get this wrong) people that were alive in 1914 were all to be extinct tomorrow, the generation is somehow...still alive? In some mystical, paranormal way? Because, as I understand, the year 1914 still stands as the year of the beginning of Jesus invisible presence? So the word "generation", does it mean those that lived in 1914, or does it mean ANYONE that are alive now in the end times? But the part I REALLY don`t understand, is this: "not by thinking about how many years or days make up a generation, but by thinking about how we count our days in bringing joyful praise to Jehovah". What on earth does this mean? That the way we count our days in "bringing joyful praise to Jehovah" is something relevant when it comes to deciding how longlived a generation is? This sounds just amasingly metaphysical and mystical to me. Anyway,and however this is understood, I doubt that the average JW (as Blondie pointed out) understands the logical effects of this doctrine change. If not even one of the people born before 1914 has to be alive on Armageddon-day anymore, this could mean that Armageddon could come tomorrow or in thousands of years, as the bible then doesn`t give any timeframe on how long the end-times are! - or how long this mystical generation-thing is going to last! No wonder most JWs haven`t left because of this, the argument and the logics of this doctrine change is to wide-reaching and to difficult to understand for most people! Ìt`s mystical and strange, and Yeah Blondie, you`re probably right! They just don`t understand it! I bet most of them still are in "1914-mode", that they, at least subconsciously, believe it`s going to happen before the generation that experienced 1914 (in the "old" meaning of the word) has died out. The doctrine change is done quietly and gently, so that when the old people of the congregation in 2015 on their death beds ask "why hasn`t it happened yet?", it will be easy to point out that "oh no, we changed that doctrine long time ago...didn`t you pay attention? Now, just sign here, at the bottom of this paper, oh no, don`t worry, it`s just your house, don`t worry..."... This is all so devious that they should get a price!