okay I keep reading, then I see where they go over and address the question using, Galatians 5:19:21, Well that is all and good, However the Whole Context should have been starting with verse 16 and going to verse 26. These verses are talking about walking and being guided with the holy sprit, I understand they used 19-21 because of the nature of the question however I don't feel you should take it out of context; it needs to be there in its entirety.
The WTS doesn`t care about context. They use the "cut and paste"-method in their "approach". They just pick a verse here and a verse there to support whatever crazy doctrine they want to establish. It also helps that very few JWs will bother actually looking up the verse quoted (except when at meetings, then the verse will be looked up, but of course, never read in its entire context, just the verse, ha ha). The reason why they weren`t able to trick you, is because you weren`t that lazy: You actually opened your Bible, and read not only the verse quoted, but the chapter in its entirety. Congratulations!