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JoinedPosts by Hellrider
My buddys music myspace: Check it out
by Hellrider ina friend of mine is starting to be serious about his music.
if you like chris isaak, morissey etc, check it out, its frikkin beatiful now!
My buddys music myspace: Check it out
by Hellrider ina friend of mine is starting to be serious about his music.
if you like chris isaak, morissey etc, check it out, its frikkin beatiful now!
A friend of mine is starting to be serious about his music. If you like Chris Isaak, Morissey etc, check it out, its frikkin beatiful now!
Is Jehovah evil? Overheard at the public talk.
by Zico ini heard a new teaching from the public talk today that i'd never heard before.
the speaker asked a rhetorical question, asking if jehovah would be evil for killing 6 billion people during armageddon?
(yes, he actually said, killing 6 billion people) he then followed it up by saying 'yes!
It`s good to hear that they are sticking to the old teaching that Jehovah is gonna kill all the non-jws. I have met to many jw-apologists lately singing that innocent "oh we don`t know who will survive Armageddon, that`s up to Jehovah"-tune.
KNOCKING 48 page 'study guide'
by DannyHaszard in original ongoing jwd knocking thread.
knocking documentary project - dvd orders.
a written48-page study and discussion guide comes with each dvd.
Only jws and ex-jws will have any interest in this movie. Noone else would bother sit down for 2 hours to see this sh*t. Jws will watch it and nod and be proud in that selfrigtheous manner, "thank you Jehovah, for giving us this spiritual food now in these difficult times", and noone else will notice. It will soon be forgotten too, plus it`s drowning anyway in all the correct non-propaganda information out there on the net, in books and movies by ex-members.
Jehovahs Witnesses on The Heaven and Earth Show BBC1
by south african beef ini just watched the heaven and earth show on bbc1.
there was a jw mum and her now 16 year old daughter on the programme.
when the girl was 15 she needed a life saving operation which apparently required blood.
but that when she questions things she keeps coming back to the conclusion that the Witnesses have the 'truth'.
Not so uncommon. My younger sister does that too. You have to study the Bible thouroughly to see thru the jw-distortion and manipulation of the Scriptures. Most people won`t put on the time and effort to do that.
There is no such thing as Agnosticism. Agnostics do not exist!
by nicolaou inmany here seem to believe that the position of agnosticism is somehow more reasonable than theism or atheism.
it is a misconception to believe that belief or non-belief in the existence of god/s are the two extremes which glare at each other over the fence of agnosticism.
I read thru that article by Judith Hayes now. What a load of crap. Of course, by her definition of what atheism is (!!!!), I am of course an atheist. So is every other agnostic. But by redefining the term, one doesn`t get any further. By her new definition off the term, all agnostics are atheists (because we don`t believe in a defined God, like Yahweh, Allah or whatever), and all atheists are agnostics (because, like the "brilliant mind, Judith Hayes" says: "And that is, that the question is not, repeat not "Is there a God?" And the reason that question cannot be answered by anyone is that no one, not one single human being, has infinite knowledge of the universe")... So, all agnostics are "atheists", and all atheists are really "agnostics". It`s bullshit. Playing with words, that`s all that article is. I am surprised that noone else here sees it.
There is no such thing as Agnosticism. Agnostics do not exist!
by nicolaou inmany here seem to believe that the position of agnosticism is somehow more reasonable than theism or atheism.
it is a misconception to believe that belief or non-belief in the existence of god/s are the two extremes which glare at each other over the fence of agnosticism.
Atheism is not the belief that there is no god, it is the lack of belief that god does exist. Think about that. There is no such thing as agnosticism, it's not a middle ground because there is no middle ground to occupy.
If you are unsure as to whether or not god/s exists then you do not have the belief that he/she/it does exist. You lack the positive belief of the theist which thus defines you as atheist.
Who came up with this definition/argument? Is it your own?
What about life on other planets? If I say that "I have no clue whether there is life on other planets or not", does that mean that I deny the possibility of life on other planets? Does the fact that I refuse to say either "there is life on other planets" or "there is no life on other planets" make me a cop-out? Or does it make me a smart person, because I acknowledge that there are limitations to my knowledge? Why should it be any different with God/s?
Wasn`t it Socrates that said that all he knew was that he knew nothing (and that this made him wiser than those who claimed that they knew)?
the walk of shame
by nonamegiven init all starts after you hear "these things we pray through jesus christ, amen".
i gather my books and the kid's books and put them away.
by that time people are walking over to us and talking to my wife and playing with my kids.
The fact that you still go to the meetings (to help your wife with the kids) even in spite of the treatment they`re giving you, makes you a much better person than all of them. Here`s an idea: There is no reason why a 2-yearold and a 4-yearold should have to endure those never-ending, shitty meetings. Tell your wife she can go alone, and you`ll stay home with the kids. Go out and play with them, and have cocoa and cookies afterwards. Like normal kids. The kids will love you for it, both now and when they get older.
Who is Jesus? Is he God?
by BelieverInJesus ini live in memphis.
months ago, i had some jw's come by and talk with me.
i'm a believer in the holy bible.
It`s so good to see that you are coming along, Mondo. You have now admitted that Jesus is of the same substance as the Father, that Jesus "came out from" the Father. You believe that this happened at a point in time, and that he has not always "glowed" from the Father, correct? You are now on your way to trinitarianism. The only thing you now have to accept, is that the Son has always "glowed" from the Father, like the rays from the sun, for eternity. When admitting this, you are, by definition, accepting the deity of Jesus Christ, and that would make you a christian and a trinitarian. In the words of...
Irenaus 120 - 200 AD: "The Word, namely the Son, was always with the Father; and that Wisdom also, which is the Spirit, was present with Him, anterior to all creation.”
Clement of Alexandria 153-220 AD: “the Son of God, being, by equality of substance, one with the Father, is eternal and uncreated."
Tertullian 145 - 220 AD: “ Bear always in mind that this is the rule of faith which I profess; by it I testify that the Father, and the Son, and the Spirit are inseparable from each other… and that the Father is one, and the Son one, and the Spirit one, and that They are distinct from Each Other. All are of One, by unity of substance; while the mystery of the dispensation distributes the Unity into a Trinity, placing in their order the three Persons – the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost: three, yet of one substance, and of one condition, and of one power..."
Stay on the forum, you`re getting there, slowly but surely.
Trinity? God head? Help!!!!!
by jelloface inhow do jehovahs witnesses support their doctrine of god and the trinity and such.
please help me understand...and i need bible support for what you believe!
Of course, the Jehovahs Witnesses "Should you believe in the trinity"-panphlet is full of misleading, selective quoting, and misrepresentations. Exposed here:
and here:
and here: