-So what if C.T Russel was a freemason and dabbled in the occult? Studying the bible may have made him change his ways.
Russell was never a freemason. He may have "dabbled in the occult", I don`t care, but IF he did, then YOU should care. The occult is the same as demonizm and satanism, within your beliefs. And if the founder of your religion (because that is what Russell was !!) "dabbled in the occult", I would be very concerned, as it is your religions standards (and his) to NOT do this.
Jehovah's Witnessses used to use the cross as a symbol, and celebrate holidays and birthdays. But upon discovering that holidays and birthdays originated as pagan celebrations to honor certain false dieties have stopped.
What is "pagan"? All traditions are originally "pagan", including wedding rings. But Jehovahs Witnesses use wedding rings, don`t they? But: Where in the Bible does it say to "abstain from all things pagan"? And if it says so, anywhere, what did the jews and early christians consider pagan? The fact is, that the early christians used SYMBOLS in their worship, including both the cross, the fish and the lamb. The cross is as old as christianity itself. The "pole" which you believe that Christ was killed on, is no less pagan than the cross. The word "stavros" used in the greek text, doesn not just mean "pole", it also means "cross", in all its various shapes. The Jehovahs Witnesses will tell you that this is untrue, that the christians of the 1st century didn`t use symbols in thier worship, and that the cross is a later invention. They are wrong, and all historians in the world will tell you so, if you ask them. The majority of Watchtower-doctrine is based on fasifications of history.
The cross is also a pagan derived symbol, and so is the "Holy" Trinity which can be traced from ancient Egyptian and Chinese cults
The same goes for the Trinity, btw. It is as old as christianity itself. The Watchtower will tell you that it didn`t appear until the great "apostasy" of the 4th century. They are wrong, lying, or both. It is a historical fact that the Trinity, although not stated as explicitly as in the declaration of the Church meeting in Nicea in 325, existed in the 2n century. And in the 1st, jesus Christ was also worshipped as GOD! Like it or not.
If people are going to go to heaven and hell when they die, how come even mainstream church bibles always speak of a ressurection too?
Because they have studied the Bible thoroughly, and arrived at this conclusion. The "going to heaven "-part is clearly a part of the Bible, as the "preliminary" ressurection (the immortality of the soul, resting in heaven, awaiting the final judgement and earthly ressurection). This can be clearly found in particular in Pauls letter. The catholic and protestant church has real theologians...the Watchtower has not.
-Jehovah's Witnesses always quote the Bible to back of their belifs.
Misquote, yes.
The congregation is supposed to be based off the the pre-Catholic Christians.
Well, it isn`t. You`d have to falsify early church history beyond recognition for that to be the case. In fact, this is the biggest lie of them all, promoted by the Watchtower.
Much of Jehovah's morals can have secular benifits, for they are his wisdom. For example, it has been discovered that condoms aren't very effective when it comes to AIDS.
You don`t have to be a JW to abstain from sex. Anyone can do that.
Even my Catholic relatives recognize that the last days are comming, since a day for God can be a very long time for humans, it may be centuries till the New System comes. The signs are there, the feet of clay and iron that is the last empire. That last empire being the US, and Republicans being iron and Democrats being clay. The blashpemous unity of church and state being represented by the whore that rides the wild beast. And a grea tribulation that may come, and think that maybe the Bush Administration may have something to do with it. Also that in 1914 WWI started, and an event in the middle east there was triggered whose effects still occur today with the constant chaos of the middle east.
This is some of the worst BS I have ever heard. I`m sorry, but you seem to gullible to be rescued from the Witnesses. Good luck with your baptism.